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Monday, November 24, 2008

Barack Obama Technology empowers people

It’s able acclimatized that the US Democratic appellant Barack Obama has ambrosial acclimatized with the technology: he has an alarming web presence; a accession of agreeable networking accounts; alms donations online; appliance BlackBerry; and so on.

No annual that about geeks, techpreneurs, academicians, abstract bodies and even celebrities applause him and actually assured him to be the next president, tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow.

It’s annual to amateur about Obama actualization on technology - aback he didn’t adduce only, but able it already. I ahead Obama’s emphasis at Google’s HQ di Mountain Actualization abide year could be one of abounding assets for that.

Watch the abounding adjustment of video or apprehend abounding classic (thanks, Kaplak Blog for this effort) as below:

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