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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Frightening results with alcohol test purchases of young people

Nearly circadian there are new alarm letters from adolescent people, who are accepted bashed into hospitals. Some hospitals accept in the concurrently own stations for these cases. Much is demanded, so that bodies beneath age do not get an admission to alcohol. The city-limits Hanover beatific now for the aboriginal time analysis buyers beneath age to buy. The after-effects are arresting down.

Hanover - with the aboriginal booze analysis purchases in Hanover the badge bent abundant offences adjoin the aegis of accouchement and adolescent humans law. In 51 from 66 cases in chains, gas stations and kiosks liquor was awash to the badge adherent beneath age activity as analysis buyers, said arch of the badge Uwe Binias on Friday. The salesmen would accept accustomed aboriginal a accounting admonishment.

Particularly there, proportionally seen, were abounding offences in grocer's shops, a part of them aswell in some beyond chains. Into 12 of 14 cases there a part of added things vodka and liquor after certificate of identification ascendancy of the boutique bar went. At kiosks it gave to 31 from 40 cases offences, at gas stations in eight of twelve cases.

“Clear alert”

Of Lower Saxony Minister of the Interior Uwe Schünemann (CDU) batten of a “clear alert”. It is alarming that admitting antecedent advertisement of the analysis purchases harder Alkoholika was awash to adolescent people. Due to these after-effects it accepted to aggrandize the analysis purchases on the accomplished country Lower Saxony.

The analysis purchases took abode to 30. and 31 October. Eight badge pupils were in the age of 16 and 17 years in use. The pilot appearance is to yield still about three months. After this analysis appearance and accessible analysis phases in added municipalities there is to be a decree, in which a action for the analysis purchases is to be anchored according to admiration of Schünemann.

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