Travel Turkey Holiday Tours Hotels Tourism


Thursday, November 20, 2008


Inoculation regulations can change at abbreviate notice. Please yield medical admonition in the case of doubt. Where 'Sometimes' appears in the table above, precautions may be required, depending on the division and arena visited.

Food and Drink

Mains baptize is chlorinated in towns and cities, but it is appropriate to alcohol the broadly accessible bottled mineral water. If a baptize antecedent bears the words içilmez, it is not potable; sources labelled içilir or içme suyu are safe to drink. Milk is pasteurised. Eat alone well-cooked meat and fish.

Other Risks

Vaccinations adjoin tuberculosis and hepatitis B are sometimes recommended.

Health Care

Turkey has a ample bloom area with high-standard clandestine health-care accessible at reasonable amount in the capital cities. In rural areas and the east of the country, bloom casework are beneath developed. Many Turkish doctors and dentists allege a adopted language, decidedly at above hospitals. Clandestine bloom allowance is recommended.


Special Precautions
Diphtheria Yes
Hepatitis A Yes
Malaria Sometimes
Rabies Sometimes
Tetanus Yes
Typhoid Sometimes
Yellow Fever No

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