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Thursday, December 25, 2008

German young people: No to smoking, for drinking

German young people: No to smoking, for drinking

The number of juvenile smokers is not as low as for nearly 30 years any more. Also the number of the Cannabis consumers under 18 years decreases/goes back. Still however the trend remains for excessive drinking. Annually 20,000 young people in hospitals must be treated because of alcohol abuse.

Berlin - “drinking up to falling down” is not at young people by any means only pure Prahlerei. In the past four weeks in Germany in “coma” drunk, 300,000 even once weekly five glasses alcohol and more consumed themselves a million young person approximately, as comes out projected from the newest collection for the “drug affinity of young people in the Federal Republic” of the federal center for health clearing-up (BZgA).

“This trend to the so-called Binge Drinking is further unbroken”, complained the federaldrug-assigned Sabine Bätzing (SPD) on Friday in Berlin in view of the numbers about the drug abuse of young people. Although the largest part of the boys and girls after the protection of children and young people law actually still might drink no alcohol, consumed according to own data about 20 per cent in the past month at least at an opportunity five or more glasses alcohol. 2004 were the portion of the young excessive drunkards about 23 per cent.

Despite decrease no 'all-clear' signal

Despite the easy decrease it cannot give an 'all-clear' signal, since nearly 20,000 young people in hospitals had to be treated according to alcohol abuse, said the BZgA directress to Elizabeth Pott. Not only the intoxication drinking to certain causes, but also the regularly consumed alcohol quantity represents a “special danger for young people”, described it.

“2.5 per cent of the boys and 1.5 per cent of the girls take so much alcohol to itself that they exceed, said the borders valid for adults to `the dangerous Alkoholkonsum' - 60 gram pure alcohol with men and 40 gram for women -” Pott. According to their data an eighth wine or a quarter of litre beer contains in each case ten gram alcohol. Actually men should not daily no more than
24 gram and women any more than 12 gram pure alcohol to itself do not take. And the values for young people would have to still be under it. “For it so far, said Pott nevertheless gives no limit values”.

But there are also “good messages”, how Bätzing stressed. The number of the young people, who smoke regular, drink or consume cannabis, decreased/went back in the past years. Therefore sank
the 3000 12 asked - to 25-year old the portion of the smokers under the persons under age on the lowest conditions since 1979. However since 2001 the portion of the smoking 12 took - to 17-Jährigen of 28
Per cent on 15 per cent in this year off. The number of the “Nieraucher” rose at the same time in the past five years of 40 to 60 per cent.

Efforts of prevention show effect

After many years of the rise according to the report also the Cannabiskonsum is declining. Gifts 2004 approximately 31 per cent of the 12 - to 25-year old on already once in the life the drug to have consumed there was 2008 still 28 per cent. With the 12 - to 17-Jährigen the portion of 15 per cent on scarcely 10 per cent decreased in the same period.

With the growing up according to Bätzing alcohol is the furthest common craze means. With the 12 - to 17-Jährigen therefore 2008 more than 17 per cent regularly alcoholic beverages, 2004 drank were it about 21 per cent. The young people stand particularly on beer, as Pott supplemented. Afterwards mixed drinks would come, beer and weinhaltige beverages. Wine and hard Sprituosen however are common with the young people according to own data less.

“The numbers show that our efforts of prevention arrive, summarized” the drug-assigned. In order to add directly: “It is not called however that we can put the hands now into the lap. We must concentrate now more strongly on groups, the risky consumer samples exhibit.

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