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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Knee Problems

Most humans accept had a accessory knee botheration at one time or another. A lot of of the time our physique movements do not could could could could could could could could cause problems, but it's not hasty that affection advance from accustomed abrasion and tear, overuse, or injury. Knee problems and injuries a lot of generally action during sports or recreational activities, work-related tasks, or home projects.
The knee is the better collective in the body. The high and lower basic of the knee are afar by two discs (menisci). The high leg cartilage (femur) and the lower leg basic (tibia and fibula) are affiliated by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The apparent of the basic central the knee collective is covered by articular cartilage, which absorbs shock and provides a smooth, gliding apparent for collective movement. See an analogy of the structures of the knee.
Although a knee botheration is generally acquired by an abrasion to one or added of these structures, it may accept addition cause. Some humans are added acceptable to advance knee problems than others. Many jobs, sports and amusement activities, accepting older, or accepting a ache such as osteoporosis or arthritis access your affairs of accepting problems with your knees.
Sudden (acute) injuries
Injuries are the a lot of accepted could could could could could could could could cause of knee problems. Sudden (acute) injuries may be acquired by a absolute draft to the knee or from aberrant twisting, angle the knee, or falling on the knee. Pain, bruising, or abscess may be astringent and advance aural account of the injury. Nerves or claret argosy may be bankrupt or damaged during the injury. The knee or lower leg may feel numb, weak, or cold; tingle; or attending anemic or blue. Astute injuries include:
Sprains, strains, or added injuries to the ligaments and tendons that affix and abutment the kneecap.
A breach in the adaptable cushions of the knee collective (meniscus).
Ligament tears. The centermost accessory bond (MCL) is the a lot of frequently afflicted bond of the knee.
Breaks (fracture) of the kneecap, lower allocation of the femur, or high allotment of the tibia or fibula. Knee fractures are a lot of frequently acquired by aberrant force, such as a falling on the knee, a astringent agee motion, astringent force that aeroembolism the knee, or if the knee angrily hits an object.
Kneecap dislocation. This blazon of break occurs added frequently in 13- to 18-year-old girls. Pieces of cartilage or tissue (loose bodies) from a breach or break may get bent in the collective and baffle with movement.
Knee collective dislocation. This is a attenuate abrasion that requires abundant force. It is a austere abrasion and requires actual medical care.
Overuse injuries
Overuse injuries action with repetitive activities or again or abiding burden on the knee. Activities such as amount climbing, bike riding, jogging, or jumping accent joints and added tissues and can advance to affliction and inflammation. Overuse injuries include:
Inflammation of the baby sacs of aqueous that beanbag and anoint the knee (bursitis).
Inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) or baby tears in the tendons (tendinosis).
Thickening or folding of the knee ligaments (Plica syndrome).
Pain in the foreground of the knee from overuse, injury, balance weight, or problems in the kneecap (patellofemoral affliction syndrome).
Irritation and deepening of the bandage of coarse tissue that runs down the alfresco of the thigh (iliotibial bandage syndrome).
Conditions that may could could could could could could could could cause knee problems
Problems not anon accompanying to an abrasion or overuse may action in or about the knee.
Osteoarthritis (degenerative collective disease) may could could could could could could could could cause knee affliction that is worse in the morning and improves during the day. It generally develops at the website of a antecedent injury. Added types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and lupus, aswell can could could could could could could could could cause knee pain, swelling, and stiffness.
Osgood-Schlatter ache causes pain, swelling, and amore in the foreground of the knee beneath the kneecap. It is abnormally accepted in boys ages 11 to 15.
A popliteal (or Baker's) cyst causes abscess in the aback of the knee.
Infection in the derma (cellulitis), collective (infectious arthritis), cartilage (osteomyelitis), or atrium (septic bursitis) can could could could could could could could could cause affliction and decreased knee movement.
A botheration abroad in the body, such as a bankrupt assumption or a botheration in the hip, can sometimes could could could could could could could could cause knee pain.
Osteochondritis dissecans causes affliction and decreased movement if a section of cartilage or cartilage or both central the knee collective loses claret accumulation and dies.
Treatment for a knee botheration or abrasion may cover aboriginal aid measures, rest, bracing, concrete therapy, medicine, and in some cases surgery. Treatment depends on the location, type, and severity of the abrasion as able-bodied as your age, bloom condition, and action akin (such as work, sports, or hobbies).
Review the Emergencies and Check Your Affection sections to actuate if and if you charge to see a doctor.

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