Travel Turkey Holiday Tours Hotels Tourism


Friday, November 21, 2008


Kalkan is 7 km west of Kaputas. It is a lovely, baby boondocks with an affluence of charm, perched on a hillop overlooking a tiny bay. It has quaint, traditional, white-washed houses with shuttered windows, and balconies with garlands of flowers blind to the streets below. Kalkan is the ultimate for a peaceful holiday. Narrow, ambagious streets lined with gift shops advance down to the absorbing marina. Every morning boats are active demography tourists to one of the adjacent beaches or baby bays. As the sun sets, Kalkan appearance is to go up to the rooftop terraces for a adequate alcohol afore banquet demography in the comings and traveling of the yachts in the bay, the business of the berth and the across-the-board view.

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