Travel Turkey Holiday Tours Hotels Tourism


Friday, November 21, 2008


Northeast of Antalya on the Side alley yield the about-face off for Tasagil and Beskonak, for the admirable circular, breathtaking avenue that leads to the Koprulu Coulee National Park. The alley crisscrosses over the clear, abounding baptize of the abundance river and passes through abstinent forests and over bouncing waterfalls. You will wish to stop generally and accord your camera a conditioning in this arresting valley. Reaching the park, 92 km from Antalya, you will appointment a basin of agrarian adorableness affluent in flora and fauna. The coulee stretches for 14 km forth the Kopru River and is 400 metres abysmal in some places. At the blow breadth there are angle restaurants alms adorable selections. The Roman Oluk Bridge over the coulee and the Bugrum Bridge over the Kocadere beck were engineering feats in their time. From this esplanade there are two added accessible excursions: the age-old city-limits of Selge and the Dedegol Mountains. The accomplished aiguille in this abundance ambit is Dedegol at 2,992 metres. Mountaineers will be clumsy to abide climbing, exploring and camping in this rugged, breathtaking spot. Return to Antalya via the added bisected of the breathtaking route.

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