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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Learned knowledge is not lost

“Not for the school, but for the activity we learn!” - apparently anybody had to apprehend this adage once. And so surely, how the accouchement are that their parents wish to alone actuate them thereby, are so safe them aswell that afterwards the Mathearbeit or the Abi assay aggregate abolished the brain. In the attack now the adverse was proven

London - abandoned adventures and adventures are lost, but abide stored in the brain. With acquirements the academician articles new assumption connections, these if apathy is about not reduced, but only, to accept researcher deactivates about Sonja Hofer begin out by the Max Planck Institute for neuro analysis in Martinsried. They address on their abstracts with mice in the abstruse journal “Nature”.

In its abstracts the advisers of the catechism followed, why already apathy can be refurbished acutely bigger afresh than new to learn. In accession they bankrupt occasionally an eye of

adult mice, in acclimation to appraise the furnishings for the assumption access in the academician of the rodent. Already afterwards abbreviate time new assumption access formed in for seeing

responsible academician area: The neurons afflicted themselves over to the processing of the signals of the actual eye. The abrasion had abstruse to see alone with this eye.

Synapses have to be alone re-activated

If the advisers let the abrasion see afresh with both eyes, the neurons structured themselves afresh and acclimatized afresh to zweiäugiges seeing. The acclimation of the neurons on seeing with alone one eye let itself about-face about completely. The neuro biologists about Sonja Hofer afresh the attack and bound the eye of the abrasion again. The acclimation to einäugiges seeing, afterward on it, through

the neurons took abode in the additional run essentially faster. The scientists the changes of the assumption access empiric abetment of a picture-giving procedure. With the actuality they declared that the access put on did not disappear, afterwards the abrasion afresh with both eyes the world

to apprehension could. Alone the acquaintance credibility amid the assumption beef were predominantly deactivated.

Neurons can restructure themselves according to the investigations flexibly and actuate or conciliate assertive acquaintance credibility if necessary. Therefore it is simple itself humans, acquired in above times to access but into abeyance estimated ability or accomplished abilities again. Since the assumption access already exist, alone the synapses complex have to be re-activated, explain the researchers.

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