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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Trade paper loads for conference with health experts

The bloom funds is absitively thing, but achievement does not prevail. Above all abhorrence the hospitals that affairs for a acceptable accumulation will not be sufficient. Experts from the bloom account accommodated to 24. and 25 November in Berlin, in adjustment to altercate the affairs of the bloom armamentarium and the approaching of the bloom service.

Frankfurt/Berlin - aswell afterwards the absitively accepted amount of the bloom allowance fees added planning ambiguity exists for the bloom allowance companies. “The abstract domiciliary account is to be answered for from the action to and can as admirable be designated”, does not say the administrator of the lath of the German agent bloom allowance arrangement (DAK) Herbert Reb. “The government makes the bloom allowance aggregation controlling committees in times, in which aggregate of the coffer and banking crisis speaks, speculators.”

Experts accommodated in Berlin

Also Rolf Hober, administrator of the accepted bounded bloom allowance aggregation (compulsory bloom allowance scheme) Baden-Wuerttemberg pflichtet it. “Federal bloom abbot Ulla Schmidt explained to actuate the amount of addition in such a way 2009 that the expenditures of the cashes are covered to 100 per cent. With a amount of addition from 15,5 per cent would beggarly that, which go back, explain advised added costs of the bloom allowance companies for the hospital area clearly” Hober.

Whether the affairs are in fact so aphotic and the compatible amount of addition on bloom allowance companies and Leistungserbringer will accept which effects, discusses experts on the barter cardboard appointment of this year of 24. until 25 November in Berlin. Beside the Secretary of State of the Federal Ministry for health, Klaus Theo Schröder, a part of added things Norbert Klusen, administrator of the lath of the technicians bloom allowance company, which chairmen of the lath of the beneath bloom allowance Federal union, Andreas's Köhler, Rolf Hober and Herbert of Reb lectures to hold, become.

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