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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vancouver Aquarium: Vancouver Aqaurium Beluga Whales

really don’t know what to say about the Aquarium other than it was amazing. It was $16.5 CDN to enter for an adult. There is cheaper pricing for children and seniors.

I was really blown away by the Beluga Whales, there are several at the Aquarium.

“Kavna” is a female beluga who is approximately 3.8 metres in length and weighs about 1000 kg. At about 32 years of age, Kavna eats 11 kg of herring, squid and capelin a day.

“Allua” is only a teenager at about 19 years of age. She is 3.2 metres long and about 794 kg, eating 10.5 kg of herring, squid and capelin.

“Imaq” is the only male beluga, he’s a bit heavier at about 1340 kg and 3.9 metres long. His daily diet is 14 kg of herring, squid and capelin. Imaq is about 15 years old.

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