Kabinettt decides measures for the promotion of the child health
Berlin (strip packing). The Federal Government wants to proceed strengthened against health risks for children. In particular the government wants “the fight against alcohol, tobacco and cannabis further
intensifies”, said federal health minister Ulla Schmidt (SPD) with the conception of the package of measures on Tuesday in Berlin. The paper had decided the cabinet in the Tuesday morning.
A goal are the promotion of the health equal chances, the decrease of health risks and accidents as well as the support of the psychological and physical development of the children. In addition the Federal Government wants to develop the information offers. And a “continuous health reporting on the way
In addition one plans a development of the early recognition investigations for children. At present participate according to Schmidt 86 per cent of all children until six years in it. Particularly children from socially weak families would take rare preventive medical examinations, at the same time are suspended them up in increased measure of accident risks. By invitation and acknowledging systems the government wants to reach that in the future all children are examined.