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Monday, January 5, 2009

Lack of physician: Ever more medical student want to emigrate

Lack of physician: Ever more medical student want to emigrate

Germany runs away the physician new generation. A study according to the Ruhr University want to move away ever more medical student abroad. Frightening it is also that as family doctors want to practice to only 17 per cent of the beginning medical profession

Bochum - Germany threatens according to a media report an exodus freshly trained physician. To approximately 70 per cent of the medical students wanted to go to conclusion of their training abroad, reports the news magazine to “focus” with reference to a so far unpublished study of the Ruhr University to Bochum. The department for general medicine asked 4000 medical students in all of Germany for its investigation after their future plans. The medicine Ökonomin Dorothea Osenberg had led and called the study the results “frightening”. She sees the patient supply in Germany endangered.

Occupation of family doctor likes little

The studying called the work times, the budgeting of the achievements as well as the remuneration as most important reasons for their drift desires. Only 22 per cent of the asked ones want to establish itself as physicians. A nearly just as high portion excludes this. On the other hand can 38 per cent a patient-far activity imagine. Is the occupation of the family doctor likes little. According to study want only 17 per cent of the medical students this direction to take.

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