With a tragic industrial accident farmer lost Karl notices from the Allgäu both arms. In the July of this yearly it the arms of an organ donor were transplanted. Now it stepped for the first time before the press, in order to present its new arms: “I do not give it.”

Munich - with a transplant of two complete arms the clinical center has on the right of the Isar DOES Munich on 26 July new ground entered: Karl notice, a 54-jährigen farmer, who had lost both arms on height of the upper arms with an industrial accident before six years, in a 15-stündigen operation of two complete arms were transplanted. The hospital line communicated that was never before humans a so large quantity of strange fabric one would have transplanted. At the operation approximately a 40-köpfiges team was involved.
A special clinical challenge was that it concerns with the transplants fabric, which consists of different components such as skin and marrow. Therefore was and is particularly large the danger of a repulsion. With a therapy, which combines the standards of the medicamentous treatment after an organ as well as after a Knochenmarkstransplantation, the medical profession try now to work against. After so far however no defence reactions were proven, the dosage of the immunsuppressiven therapy could be already gradually reduced.
Eight hours of training daily
A further goal of the treatment is it to promote the structure of the nerves and to prevent a dismantling of the musculature. But the patient must complete daily an eight-hour program with patient gymnastic and electrical stimulation of the musculature. He is assistance of a special therapy “to learn” that he has again arms. Whether the regeneration of the nerves has success, can be said at the earliest in one and a half to two years, since nerves only about a millimeter grow on the day into the transplant. In addition, the physicians are optimistic here: The patient reports already of a first „Kribbeln “in the upper arm underneath the scars. The healing runs “amazingly well”, reported on Wednesday the treating physicians as well as notices before the press. If it runs further so well, it can in four to six weeks will home dismiss.
“I give it no longer ago”
There do not notice its both arms yet alone to carry can, is dependent it on a particularly designed stretcher rack. Thus it can move however already relatively freely, reported themselves the 54jährige. It can open doors already independently and serve also the light switch or a remote maintenance for the television set. With Umblättern of the newspaper and when eating he is however still dependent on assistance. He cannot introduce himself any longer, without being its new arms, said the man: “I give it no longer ago”. Karl notice after a television broadcast with the desire for a transplant to the clinical center had come closer, after it had not gotten along in the years after its accident with different artificial prostheses.