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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Psychopharmacologic drugs do not make inevitably dependent

Antidepressives do not make inevitably dependent. Many patients set from this fear their important medicines off however exactly. With other medicines is required in this regard to more caution.

Berlin - tablets against headache or hypertension take most humans without large doubts. If it concerns psychopharmacologic drugs, many humans are more sceptical. “With most psychopharmacologic drugs, which are used for the long-term treatment by mental illnesses, the fear is to become dependent however unfounded”, says Ursula Havemann Reinecke of the German society for psychiatry, psychotherapy and nerve medicine (DGPPN). Antidepressives are an important component of the therapy of depressions and Neuroleptika. Patients should not set the medicines off under any circumstances from fear of a dependence, explained those expert.

Certain Tranquilizer has a higher craze potential. “In 80 per cent of the cases of medicine dependence the Benzodiazepine concerned takes, which ranks among the tranquilizers. In addition, pain killer Codein, a Opiat, which is contained in some cough mixtures, because it suppresses the cough stimulus, has a high craze potential”, described Havemann Reinecke. Stress in the occupation, family conflicts, desire and Antriebslosigkeit or sleeplessness can lead fast into a problematic consumption of medicines with dependence potential.

Illness changes the personality

“Are aimed such medicines today however only very much and temporally limited begun”, says franc miner of the professional association of German mental specialists. Most psychopharmacologic drugs make dependent nor change them the personality neither according to for its statements. “It is rather the illness, which can change the personality, if it is not treated”, explains miner.

The physician recruits for more understandings opposite humans with mental illnesses. Depressions about are not an indication of weakness or Verrücktheit, but an illness like every different one. Antidepressives can bring the disturbed neurotransmitter budget in the brain back in order. Frequently a psychotherapy is recommended as therapy addition

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