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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Volume disk incident remains sometimes unnoticed

Many volume disk incidents come only by other investigations coincidentally to the appearance. That means also that not all volume disk incidents are problematic. Only, if pain arises, it must be treated, in some cases also operationally.

Wiesbaden - with strong pain in the lower back concerning assume frequently a volume disk incident. But that is not always the case. “A volume disk incident becomes apparent by completely typical pain”, says Wolfgang Bolten, medical director and head physician the Klaus Miehlke hospital for Rheumatologie in Wiesbaden. These radiate out into the Gesäß and along the leg exteriors in the knee or even into the foot joints.

Many volume disk incidents are coincidentally discovered

The pain develops, if the volume disk presses on a nerve. But does not happen always: “With approximately 40 per cent over 35-Jährigen a volume disk incident is discovered with another investigation coincidentally”, reports Bolten. That means also the fact that such a volume disk incident is not always problematic and usually only with the occurrence of pain must be treated. “Then it is important to provide and afterwards with patient gymnastic to the back strengthen with the concerning with medicines for pain freedom.” Besides back gymnastic is the best prevention against a volume disk incident.

If a nerve is completely clamped, leads to serious symptoms. Since nerves supply leg muscles with impulses, it can come according to Bolten to Motorikstörungen. And also internal organs like the blister can be concerned. In such cases frequently an operation becomes necessary.

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