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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mouth solutions harm the stomach

Bacteria in the saliva are necessary for the blood circulation in the gastric mucosa. Also these “good” bacteria are killed by mouth water. Particularly in combination with medicines it can come to complications. Experts guess/advise to the caution.

Munich - disinfecting Wässerchen for mouth and throat area provides for a fresh breath. Such gargling solutions could harm the stomach however, say Martin bush, specialist for internal medicine in Munich. Because the bacteria in the saliva, which are killed by the means, play an important role for the blood circulation of the gastric mucosa.

Nitrates are converted into nitrides

Scientific investigations showed according to bush recently that the bacteria convert nitrates in the mouth into nitrides. From these nitrides in the stomach nitrogen oxide is formed. This chemical messenger adjusts the flow of blood, which promotes the renewal of the gastric mucosa and which gastric wall protects against the aggressive gastric acid.

If the mouth bacteria are killed by the disinfecting solutions, the nitride formation becomes and the regeneration of the gastric mucosa obviously impairs. That could become according to data of bush in particular with such patients a problem, with whom the gastric mucosa is frequently already attacked: Humans with heart cycle problems about, those regularly medicines also
Acetylsalicylic acid (ASS) take. ASS increases the risk of bleedings in the gastric wall

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