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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Alaaf and Helau: Healthy by the fifth season

Alaaf and Helau: Healthy by the fifth season

Today is it again so far: The fifth season begins at 11.11 o'clock. And with it, easily dressed the time of the Faschingsparties Funkenmariechen, high-per cent Parties and Karnevalsumzüge. imedo a Jecken asked, as one moves in this time healthiest

Cologne/Berlin - around point 11,11 o'clock goes it today again loosely: the fifth season, also admits as carnival or carnival, depending on, where one lives, begins. Ulrich Männig comes from the proximity of Cologne, is health expert and even more passionate “Jeck”. He betrays imedo, on which it arrives.

Also, if many hold it in such a way: “The fifth season is not a charter for unrestrained () drinking”, says Männig. This is valid in particular for young people. If it should become then more nevertheless, as planned, it depends on the basis. Who knows the fact that it becomes high per cent should seize (exceptionally) to fat and protein-yielding food. Pizza, noodles in cream sauce, noodle salads, Thunfisch or egg courts lie longer in the stomach and retard the admission of the alcohol in the blood. Also vitamin or base preparations, two to three hours before beginning of party taken, can be helpful.

Drink with Köpfchen

If the basis is put, it depends to drink with Köpfchen. Not to recommend is a wild disorder. “Kölsch and grain (called in Cologne Schabau) are good for the tendency, but together with the present weather badly for the voice”, the Jeck Männig says. In principle should not be drunk wildly in disorder.

Between the beverages also always times Snack should be taken. In Cologne the Karnevalist Bloodwoorscht or Flönz, thus blood sausage, eats or also Rievkooche (potato pancake). Favorable is however everything that greasily, salty and unhealthy is and for which one should make otherwise a sheet. Since alcohol drains the body and from it electrolytes withdraws, it is recommendable to take occasionally mineral waters or isotonische beverages to itself.

Tighten warmly

Considering the fact that the fifth season is at the same time the cold, it guesses Ulrich Männig to warm clothes. In addition one, even if it belongs to it, should distribute not too generously “Bützche”, thus Küs. Because viruses and bacteria spread in such a way fastest. The men empfiehl the Jeck locking to omit “bad and/or importunate behaviour opposite women”. Many would be inclined in the carnival to regard these as free game. In the interest of the good tendency however this is not attached.

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