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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Learned knowledge is not lost

Learned knowledge is not lost

“Not for the school, but for the life we learn!” - probably everyone had to hear this saying once. And so surely, how the children are that their parents want to only propel them thereby, are so safe them also that after the Mathearbeit or the Abi examination everything disappeared the brain. In the attempt now the opposite was proven

London - forgotten experiences and experiences are lost, but remain stored in the brain. With learning the brain manufactures new nerve connections, these when forgetting is however not reduced, but only, to have researcher deactivates around Sonja Hofer found out by the Max Planck Institute for neuro biology in Martinsried. They report on their experiments with mice in the technical periodical “Nature”.

In its experiments the researchers of the question followed, why once forgetting can be refurbished clearly better again than new to learn. In addition they closed occasionally an eye of
adult mice, in order to examine the effects for the nerve connections in the brain of the rodent. Already after short time new nerve connections formed in for seeing
responsible brain area: The neurons changed themselves over to the processing of the signals of the remaining eye. The mouse had learned to see only with this eye.

Synapses must be only re-activated

If the researchers let the mouse see again with both eyes, the neurons structured themselves again and adapted again to zweiäugiges seeing. The adjustment of the neurons on seeing with only one eye let itself turn around completely. The neuro biologists around Sonja Hofer repeated the attempt and locked the eye of the mouse again. The adjustment to einäugiges seeing, following on it, through
the neurons took place in the second run substantially faster. The scientists the changes of the nerve connections observed assistance of a picture-giving procedure. With the fact they stated that the connections put on did not disappear, after the mouse again with both eyes the world
to notice could. Only the contact points between the nerve cells were predominantly deactivated.

Neurons can restructure themselves according to the investigations flexibly and activate or deactivate certain contact points if necessary. Therefore it is easy itself humans, acquired in former times to acquire but into oblivion guessed knowledge or trained abilities again. Since the nerve connections already exist, only the synapses involved must be re-activated, explain the researchers.

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