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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Meningokokken: Inoculation protects against brain skin inflammation

Meningokokken: Inoculation protects against brain skin inflammation

A 18-jährige pupil died few days ago in Berlin at the consequences of a brain skin inflammation. This was caused by Meningokokken. imedo with Johannes Elias of Institut for hygiene and microbiology in Wuerzburg inquired, why Meningokokken are as dangerous and as one protecting itself can.

imedo: What are Meningokokken?

Johannes Elias: Meningokokken are bacteria, which are in most cases harmless and are carried by about ten per cent of the population in the nasopharyngeal cavity. In rare cases they remain however not there but cause for unsettled reasons of illnesses such as brain skin inflammation or blood poisoning.

imedo: How are many cases that annually and how many end mortally?

Johannes Elias: In Germany 400 to 800 cases is announced annually. The number of deaths lies despite treatment between eight and ten per cent.

imedo: How can one protect oneself?

Johannes Elias: Since 2006 exist an inoculation recommendation against Meningokokken of the Serogruppe C. unfortunately can with present vaccines only one third of all cases are prevented, since there is no licenced universal Meningokokken inoculation. Two thirds of all cases are unfortunately not preventable by an inoculation at present.

imedo: Why predominantly are children and young people affected by Meningokokken diseases?

Johannes Elias: Infants are protected after the quiet time due to the shorter argument with the bacterial environment and smaller maturing of the immune system less from Meningokokken. Their illness risk is therefore high compared with other age groups. With young people the explanation is not so clear. One assumes that behavior-dependent factors of risk are added, like for example a kissing. In the course of the life unnoticed Trägertums the acquired protection against Meningokokken increases by repetitive episodes. Illnesses after that 30. Year of life are relatively rare.

imedo: How is the Meningokokken spread?

Johannes Elias: The germ needs to be transferred a large proximity over between humans. It flies not kilometres away by air and survives in the dead environment only for short time. There is also no animal reservoir. A close interhuman contact is thus necessary for the transmission.

imedo: Why are Meningokokken illnesses heavily recognized?

Johannes Elias: The Anfangssysmptome of an Meningokokken illness is nonspecific. If the physician has experience with the illness or not on it counts, it can come relatively fast to mistakes. The problem is however that it is heavy to collect on this field experience. The illness is rare and many physicians sees Meningokokken illnesses twice in its career, if they are not specialized in this area. It is for example well-known that with subsequent cases the chance of survival is higher than with the Erstfall, since physicians are already sensitized with instances of repetition. Altogether is it however nevertheless like that with in time introductory therapy about survive 90 per cent of the gotten sick ones.

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