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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dismantling of nerve coverings makes slower at the age

Dismantling of nerve coverings makes slower at the age

Older humans move more slowly than younger. Many have pain due to wear. In addition, humans without recognizable age illnesses move more slowly. American researchers found the true reason out for it.

Smelling ester - the isolation of the nerves in the brain decreases, slows down also the movement in the course of the old becoming. This dismantling of the nerve coverings cannot be stopped at the middle age by the body no more and leads to losses in the reaction rate, usually before Arthritis contributes its part to as George Bartzokis reports of the university of California in Los Angeles. It and its colleagues present their results in the specialist journal “Neurobiology OF Aging”.

Nerves in the brain are surrounded by a so-called myelin sheath, which makes a fast attraction forwarding possible. To approximately to 40. Year of life creates it the body to repair damages of this greasy substance. With increasing age however the regeneration ability diminishes, so that the myelin sheath becomes ever thinner. Accordingly are reduced also the achievements, which depend on the nerves concerned. This dismantling impairs a thinking, the perception and the movement, assumes the researchers.

The key is the slower attraction forwarding

In order to test this connection between the speed of operation of the nervous system and the condition of the nerve coverings, the scientists examined 72 healthy men between 23 and 80 years. They seized the speed, with the one test person with the index finger to tap can and compared the result with photographs of the myelin sheaths in the brain. It was shown that the myelin sheath became thinner with most test subjects starting from an age of 39 years. Starting from this age also the reaction rate of the test persons diminished.

That is the reason, why older humans more slowly Bartzokis says itself moved, even if they have still no hurting joints or Arthritis. Even if in this study only those
Rate of motion examined is, could the results also to other brain functions be transferred, with which fast attraction forwarding is necessary, like for example the memory. (strip packing)

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