Travel Turkey Holiday Tours Hotels Tourism


Sunday, January 11, 2009


Gazipasa known as "Silent" Heaven. "Blue Sea, sun and beautiful beaches, is very attractive to Gazipasa specialties.

Weather Conditions Gazipasa

June 31 to 45 ° C

34 July to 45 ° C

34 August 43 ° C

September 31 41 (C)

Access to the media Gazipasa

It is situated in Alanya, Anamur road.It is 44 km from Alanya.There, public transportation in the city.



Church and the tank are the most important buildings in Achropolis.There are many Turkish baths and the houses on this issue.

Adnan (Lamus SITE)
Site will be expanded and is a big tower in the south of the city.

Beaches, coves and caves

Pool, Playa Madera

Beach and harbor beach

Forest sites Aytap Bay, Dunya yalan Cave

counter sayac

yemek tarifleri sgk haydar dümen duyur