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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rush System

London Forex Rush system is based on a system, which is derived
the global stock markets. Intra-day stock traders were using the
Range breakout strategy for a long time to open. And they do so. It is
because this strategy is easy to understand, to understand, easy to implement, especially lucrative.The Open Range Breakout intra-day stock strategy works: Once the wall
Rue 9:30 opening bell sounds HE, the trader is not the first number by 20 or 30 minutes
Measures, particularly the volatility of the shares. This opening is usually met with a wild animal and plant species
strong feelings of the fluctuations of the first listing. Small dealers of the brand of high and low
that in the beginning of the volatility, watch closely to see how the development of the population
from there. Once the people of "rupture" of this series, either upwards or downwards
The merchant can evaluate confidence of the population is assumed that for the rest
that the meeting heard.

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