Travel Turkey Holiday Tours Hotels Tourism


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Travel Kemer

Kemer located in 40 Western kmeters

Antalya.It cost of a trip with its natural beauty and night clubs.In other words,

in the Gulf of Antalya.The climate is typical for the region of La

Mediterranean warm and moist and warm sea.Until 1980, and stood quiet for tourism

on the coast, but later it became popular among the famous beaches.

As I said the beauty of nature is the most important thing about the water and crystal Kemer.A

Beaches and mountains with pine wodds a magical journey for the tourists

You Kemer.There are many places of residence and employment always Kemer.Hotels

has the whole season espescially for foreigners tourists.Because is very cheap for the holidays

Applicants who are from outside of Turkey.

Kemer is known for its nightclubs, bars and restaurants and many travel agencies in the provision of services

a high quality.Popular coastal villages are Beldibi, Kiris, Çayova, Aslanbucak, Kuzdere, Beycik,

Çamyuva, and Göynük Çıralı.

A large number of annual cases are in Kemer that the World Rally Championship Rally of Turkey, Turkey

Offshore Championship, Phaselis Art Festival, and Kemer Carnival.

counter sayac

yemek tarifleri sgk haydar dümen duyur