Travel Turkey Holiday Tours Hotels Tourism


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Travel is Samsun

It is one of the main cities of Turkey, located along the coast of the Black Sea, with a population of slightly more than 800,000. Besides her natural beauty, Samsun has an important role in the history of Turkey during the Independence War of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (father of the Turks), in the first place the foundations of the war to 19 May 1919. Unlike other cities in Turkey, which attracts people with its white sand and sun, Samsun, most frequently visited by people who are interested to learn about the history of the Turks that the city's many museums and monuments tell the all on this issue. The cities, on the north side of Turkey has a large amount of rainfall, we must not forget, is an umbrella with you when you are in this wonderful place.

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