It is a place in the mountains Spilos Manisa (Magnesia). It has a mythology
the story is interesting and Rock for the passengers, who have an interest in ethnicity and
mythology.Niobe is a Goddes in Greek mythology, the seven girls
and seven sons.The Goddes killed her desire Artemis
Daughters and sons of Niobe mourning began to scream and despair
Tears of shame that the wind in the back, so that there is a large rock from today until the
Today, the Rock crying.Interestingly very similar to a rock --
Silhouette of the woman actually.
but later discovered in a river, up to it.Every the fall of the river flows
Volume of your pain.
There are many places in the mythical Aegion
Sardo, Ephesus, the agora, the Temple of Zeus, and was thought of an imaginary
It is in the Aegean region Hanging Gardens of Babylon.