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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


7 advice from the beautician

Get your skin type determined by a beautician - you get to know exactly how your skin is screwed together. So you can even choose which products to use in the future
Clean your face both morning and evening. Even if you are tired
Keep up the products with alcohol in. It makes your skin dry
Peel your skin once a week - both body and face. It removes dead skin cells and get your skin to radiation
Be sure to eat healthy and varied and eat any. a vitaminpille every day
Wash your face in lukewarm water, because hot water dries the skin. It is important that your cleaning product can be rinsed off with lukewarm water
Large sunglasses protects not only your eyes but also the skin around them

In addition, you can follow these tips if your skin is dry and irritated - for example, after much sun and sea:

* Avoid excessive use of water and soap, detergent and similar
* Use instead of cream or an oil-based cleaning agent
* Do not work too much with solvents and other chemicals
* Avoid using rubber gloves and tight fitting clothes often
* Avoid using products that can irritate the skin in the daily - ie. makeup, colored and perfumed creams and the like
* Avoid exposing your skin to the sun too often and ensure effective sunscreen
* Avoid high temperature at home
* Avoid smoking
* Drink plenty of water
* Use of oils and moisture entities will stimulate glands to function more normally and will give your skin moisture and nutrients
* Use a moisture mask at night around. once a week

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