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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dry Skin

Dry skin, it’s itchy, specially at night and certain times during the day, that’s because they tend to feel tight as they sometimes chap. It’s basically the inability of your skin to retain moisture, where your oil glands do not supply enough lubrication for your skin. In my area it’s mainly due to the weather, dryness exacerbated by the wind here, which leaves my skin dry and dehydrated. It’s not genetic, poor diet, dermatitis, eczema nor psoriasis as some would associate it with. I also don’t have complications like diabetes.

This condition leaves me looking dull. It’s when the skin tends to be drawn over the bones, and the dullness are apparent around the cheeks and eyes. Lips tend to chap and crack. Got to constantly use lip balm. And there’s the tiny expression lines in your face that become apparent also around the corners of your mouth that looks like dried saliva at times, parched look and flaking which sometimes can be seen around your forearms and shoulders.

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