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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dry Skin

The skin has a wide range funtioner. The most important thing is that it is as a protective layer, as a screen body’s internal parts against knocks and keeps bacteria and other harmful micro-organisms and substances out of the body.

Your skin functions:

* The skin forms a barrier to prevent bacteria, microorganisms and other harmful substances from entering the body.
* The skin helps regulate the body’s fluid balance, since it prevents the liquid from evaporate.
* The skin regulates body temperature.
* The skin protects the internal organs, etc. against stroke.
* The skin participates in the formation of vitamin D, which is important for the successful formation of calcium in your bones.
* The skin excrete salts, urea and organic matter through sweating.
* The skin acts as a sensory organ, which provides information from the external environment, such as heat, cold, touch and pain.

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