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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Caring for dry skin in winter
Many experience to have more dry skin in winter, when humidity is low, and the skin has come easy to feel dry and tight and may begin. SKALLESLUGER of that. Do you have a tendency to dry skin? it is important that you prevent and treat it with moisturizer.

Guidelines for care of dry skin

* The more dry your skin is, the more fat you need in the creams you buy. Due. the low-fat lotion is not suitable for dry skin and skin with eczema.
* For the treatment of mild dry skin should use a fatter cream once or several times a day.
* If you have very dry skin or eczema, it may be necessary to use a special cream that contains extra large quantities of natural skin fats, which attaches directly to the skin as a gain of hudbarrieren. Ask your doctor if necessary.

Caring for dry skin is important
Dry skin is in itself annoying, but dry skin is also one of the first signs that the skin barrier is compromised, and the skin begins to scale and burst. The dry skin is less resistant to penetration by, inter alia, bacteria and other harmful substances.

If your skin is dry, you’ll be easier rash and irritation of the skin. Dry skin trigger itching, and it can help to exacerbate skin diseases.

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