Travel Turkey Holiday Tours Hotels Tourism


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Winter is approaching and I am sure most of you are probably worried about your skin. Dry skin is one of the hardest to maintain during the winter, especially when you put on makeup. Flakey skin is unattractive and makes you look unhealthy and dehydrated. These are some practical tips on dry skin care!

1) The cold weather during winter makes your skin not only dry, but sensitive as well. This is the best time to start changing your skin care. It’s best if you do not use commercial products that contain petroleum as well. Creams and other products that contain natural hypoallergenic ingredients will suit your skin the best. For example, Cocoa butter or Shea butter products are best for your body. These ingredients contain essential oils like Vitamins A, D, C and E. They heal, moisturize and has an anti-ageing effect!

2) If your skin is dry and irritates easily, use a mild soap while showering and shower with lukewarm water instead of hot water. A gentle body wash instead of a normal soap will also do your skin wonders! Also use a mild exfoilater that will gently remove dead cells from your skin! Apply your moisturizer/lotion within 3 minutes of getting out of the shower so that your skin will absorb the moisture well and seal it in.

3) If your skin has developed dry or itchy spots, try to avoid scratching! Apply a moisturizing lotion a few times a day and avoid water from coming in contact with the area. Dry skin is also prone to eczema and other skin conditions, so be sure to load your diet with lots of fish and essential oils!

4) During the winter, it is best to invest in a humidifier that will add moisture to the air in your room. This will help improve your skin condition almost immediately!

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