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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


How to go about this condition?

If you want to improve your social life a bit, some improvements must be made.In some cases, it is widely advised not to use ordinary tap water for cleansing your dry skin, the water carries deposits that dry an already affected skin, you should not use hot water and only mineral water for your face. Use also gentle cleansers, oils and moisturizers. Avoid high PH products and commercialized soaps as these can rub away more the oils in your skin. Sometimes, it is also attributed to genetic conditions, the way one eats. Deficiencies of Vitamins A and B these are other contributing factors to dry skin.

Sleep well. A good and well rested skin is a healthy skin. Regular use of rejuvenators, which will give it a soft, moist look, we’re all after that healthy baby skin look right? Try to massage the skin in your face to encourage the oil glands to produce more oils. Do this with soft moisturizers or light baby-oils, this is best done just before retiring at night.

If you don’t have a good strong moisturizer during those cold winter days, don’t go out! Cold causes the skin’s liquid’s to evaporate.

Do not to smoke. Remember the skin is connected to those tiny capillaries and which nicotine constricts. Try to care for your skin more, it covers you..

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