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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dry Skin Care-

Skin, which will be injected with sufficient moisture and fat is smooth, while dry skin loses its elasticity and begin to scale and burst. When the skin dries out, destroying the barrier, therefore its power and makes it harder for it to protect itself against incoming bacteria and other harmful substances. If your skin is dry, you’ll be easier rash and eczema, and dry skin could, at worst, help to trigger a chronic skin disease.

It is therefore a good idea that you prevent your skin dries out, in the care of skin care products, which adds the moisture and fat.

The wet profession
Pay special attention to protect your skin if you work in one of the so-called “wet professions”, as are the jobs where your skin many times during a day in contact with water, soap or chemicals. For example, if you washer up or washes hands frequently, causing it to fat between the skin cells removed and the protective barrier is destroyed. The profession is, for example, wet cleaning, hairdressing and nursing.

To protect your skin you should wear rubber gloves, whenever possible, and you should lubricate your skin with moisturizer several times during the day. This allows a wide range of skin irritations prevented and hindered.

Older people
Older people generally have a tendency to dry skin due to lower production from the sebaceous glands. Older people are often needed, that their skin is lubricated with a bold cream, which can keep’s skin smooth and elastic and preserve its barrier function.

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