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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Headache: Wenns in the head pounds and hammers

Headache: Wenns in the head pounds and hammers

Headache is a typical simulator excuse for Arbeitsunlust, migraine a woman illness? Who did not experience it, humans with chronic headache or migraine to understand will not be able. First it is only weak pulling, but, pounds and puckert the whole head roars sometime: Headache is one of the most frequent diseases of the whole world. For better clearing-up the German headache day takes place on 5 September.

Berlin - in Germany clearly more than half of all humans suffers regularly from headache attacks: To scarcely 40 per cent of the adults fight according to data of the forum to pain regularly with so-called tension headache, further 10 per cent suffer under migraine. Causing concern is also the rising number of the children and young people concerned. Thus know according to the migräne and headache company already more than one third of all teenagers the agony of the recurring headache. For better clearing-up over the different headache forms organize from there pharmacies, groups of self-helps and German becoming green cross on 5 September the German headache day.

Search for the cause

Both with the tension headache and with the migraine it concerns so-called primary headache, i.e., the pain is not a symptom of an illness, but the illness. The actual causes of the headache are investigated until today not completely, even if the illness is so far common. “How the name one already says, assumes with tension headache strutted muscles the problem are”, explains the director/conductor of the forum pain of German becoming green cross, Dietmar ruffle, from Marburg. At least the symptoms let that to be assumed as reciprocally, dully/mustily pressing pain more easily to middle intensity. Of “one is safe real itself however not.” The migraine connected with substantially stronger health restrictions however has probably different causes. “Studies point out that an overactivity of the nerves of the brain stem is responsible for it”, explains the expert. This again excessively sets many chemical messengers free such as serotonin, so that the blood vessels in the brain swell. “This swelling presses on the surrounding nerves and releases a pulsating, pounding pain.”

Weather as a cause

As if that would not be enough, must headache-susceptible humans in the coming weeks on still larger problems count. New studies occupy a connection between the weather and the headache attacks, like the medical director/conductor of the East German of headache center in Berlin, January Peter Jansen, on the occasion of a meeting to the topic in Berlin said. Therefore above all Wetterwechsel cause pain in the head, can nevertheless unstable weather conditions for the entire body “pure stress” be. Changes therefore as in the approaching autumn high and low again and again off, the pain risk rises itself. “In addition it comes that blood vessels, nerves and muscles very near because of the surface of the head are, why these already pull together with small drops of temperature - which”, explains the physician can release headache. “Against it one can hardly protect oneself, it can however help to sit up in wet-cold weather a cap so that the head cools down less.”

Further causes for tension headache can be psychosocial stress (family, work or everyday life), working in wrong body attitude or with bad light, an unhealthy life change (alcohol, nicotine), too little sleep or disturbances of the chewing apparatus (tooth-crunch). For migraine beside Wetterwechseln the following causes (triggers) are designated: Stress, physical effort, food and alcohol, deviations from the used sleep rhythm, hormoneal problems (Menstruation or contraceptives). With both disease pictures are women more frequently affected than men.

Possibilities of treatment

With migraine only one physician can find the suitable medication. There are about 16 differently Migränearten, from there is difficult it for a layman to constitute, who means is the suitable thing. The treatment should be discussed and prepared with the specialist.

Against tension headache one does not have to work compellingly directly with pain killers. Often a walk at fresh air or the improvement of the conditions of work (seat, light, sufficient breaks) is sufficient. An old house means against headache is Minzöl. With arising pain it will rub on the Schläfen and the forehead, if necessary can be given with strong pain also a drop on the tongue. If all should not help these measures, pain killer with the active substances is recommended acetylsalicylic acid (ASS), Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Naproxen. With chronically running forms of the tension headache Ärzet use up frequently combination preparations, because so the specific side effects of the individual active substances be minimized and the pain-satisfying effect can be maximised.

“Many patients do not know however at all that migraine and normal headache are differently treated and to suffer unnecessarily for a long time”, so Dietmar ruffle. Therefore headache-troubled humans with their physician should clarify, which pain form it exactly concerns with them. (with DPA)

Psychopharmacologic drugs do not make inevitably dependent

Psychopharmacologic drugs do not make inevitably dependent

Antidepressives do not make inevitably dependent. Many patients set from this fear their important medicines off however exactly. With other medicines is required in this regard to more caution.

Berlin - tablets against headache or hypertension take most humans without large doubts. If it concerns psychopharmacologic drugs, many humans are more sceptical. “With most psychopharmacologic drugs, which are used for the long-term treatment by mental illnesses, the fear is to become dependent however unfounded”, says Ursula Havemann Reinecke of the German society for psychiatry, psychotherapy and nerve medicine (DGPPN). Antidepressives are an important component of the therapy of depressions and Neuroleptika. Patients should not set the medicines off under any circumstances from fear of a dependence, explained those expert.

Certain Tranquilizer has a higher craze potential. “In 80 per cent of the cases of medicine dependence the Benzodiazepine concerned takes, which ranks among the tranquilizers. In addition, pain killer Codein, a Opiat, which is contained in some cough mixtures, because it suppresses the cough stimulus, has a high craze potential”, described Havemann Reinecke. Stress in the occupation, family conflicts, desire and Antriebslosigkeit or sleeplessness can lead fast into a problematic consumption of medicines with dependence potential.

Illness changes the personality

“Are aimed such medicines today however only very much and temporally limited begun”, says franc miner of the professional association of German mental specialists. Most psychopharmacologic drugs make dependent nor change them the personality neither according to for its statements. “It is rather the illness, which can change the personality, if it is not treated”, explains miner.

The physician recruits for more understandings opposite humans with mental illnesses. Depressions about are not an indication of weakness or Verrücktheit, but an illness like every different one. Antidepressives can bring the disturbed neurotransmitter budget in the brain back in order. Frequently a psychotherapy is recommended as therapy addition. (with strip packing)

Protection of the nose mucous membrane bends colds forwards

Protection of the nose mucous membrane bends colds forwards

The autumn comes fast step and with it all kinds of cold exciters. Around a cold effectively to prevent above all the nose mucous membranes should be protected. They form the natural barrier function for viruses and bacteria.

Wiesbaden - with the beginning many humans succumb to the dark season sooner or later to the attack of viruses and bacteria. An important protective function before Infekten takes the nose mucous membrane apart from a strong immune system: “If it is intact, has it exciter clearly more heavily, into the body to penetrate”, says professor Ludger Klimek, director/conductor of the center for Rhinologie and Allergologie in Wiesbaden.

One knows care its nose mucous membrane with much movement at fresh air. Also nose showers, flushings and inhalations contribute according to Klimek to keep the nose damp. With dry heater air the nose mucous membrane can drain against it rapidly. It will form inflexibly and it itself microcracks, by which exciters can penetrate more easily. Besides the attacked nose mucous membrane is not any more able to intercept fine dust particle. “These arrive so not filtered into the lung and can release breath way illnesses”, describe Klimek.

Much liquid protects the mucous membranes

The natural barrier function of the mucous membranes remains also, if one takes sufficiently liquid to itself. One should drink at least 1.5 litres water. If one much in heated or air-conditioned areas is should it more be. Who drinks less, Mehran Baghi, leading upper physician for neck nose ear medicine in the university clinic Frankfurt/Main is more susceptible to diseases, says. With lack of liquid will the blood high-viscosity and cannot the mucous membranes then any longer optimally supply. They become more susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

Suitable beverages are mineral waters, ungezuckerte fruit or herb teas and diluted fruit and vegetable juices

Herztransplantation: Baby Angelina can soon home

Herztransplantation: Baby Angelina can soon home

Angelina is the youngest female patient, who was submitted so far at the university University of Freiburg of a Herztransplantation. Without the important operation the baby would have probably only had to live few weeks. The interference ran well, Angelina can soon home.

FreelyMother Irina holds its daughter Angelina in the arms in the paediatric clinic of the university clinic Freiburg.

Freiburg - successful was made at the university clinic Freiburg a Herztransplantation at a five months old baby. The small Angelina is probably four weeks after the operation, drinks its Fläschchen, eats again completely normally mash and can in three weeks will dismiss, said the treating physicians on Wednesday in Freiburg. The girl is according to hospital data the so far youngest child in Baden-Wuerttemberg, to which a new heart was implanted. Without the operation it would in all probability soon have died.

Operation was necessary, because with the girl, after whom it had been before already operated at the heart wall, additionally still another life-threatening heart myasthenia one determined. Already in the sixth pregnancy month the heart error had been discovered and operated then three weeks after the birth. “That is actually today no more large interference”, said the treating child heart surgeon Christian Schlensak. But when still the myasthenia was then added, a Herztransplantation was the only possibility for the child to survive.

Medicines up to the end of life

The donation readiness of parents of a deceased of child saved the life to Angelina. The girl is appropriate for four weeks after the operation now relaxed in the arms of the obviously facilitated mother. Diverted the small one moves its little hands and looks with large blue eyes curiously around itself, when photographers approach it. Still it must carry a mouth protection, there with it - caused by an artificially lowered immune defense - which is increased infection danger, stresses the specialized lady doctor for innate
Heart error, Brigitte quiet. That is completely normal, in order to prevent a repulsion of the donor organ. Angelina will have to take time life medicines against it.

When in the fourth life month the certainty it became that Angelina would survive donor heart only with, began a “very heavy” waiting period for parents from a small municipality in the Ortenaukreis,
as the mother remembers. “It is the life for the child or nevertheless death” - this their constant thoughts were, report them under tears. After the operation she had herself to accustom to the conception that in her daughter “a strange organ strikes”. But meanwhile do not remember it any longer.

Without organ Angelina would have died

About two to three cases of this kind there is to be according to estimations of the physicians of the Freiburger child surgery Germany far in the year. Whether can be helped to the babies, depends on a suitable donor organ, which is obtained by Eurotransplant in the Netherlands. In Baden-Wuerttemberg the child heart surgery at the Freiburger university clinical center is valid as only mechanism, which can master such operations. So far the medical profession dared themselves there however only to adults or young people near.

With the five-month baby in-hour operation is because of the tiny dimensions “hühnereigroßen organ” a special challenge been, reports the medical profession. But “without this organ Angelina would have died in the next weeks”, describes to quiet the situation. Now it looks for the girl everything else as hopeless. According to estimate of its physicians Angelina will be able to lead a normal life. (strip packing)

Learned knowledge is not lost

Learned knowledge is not lost

“Not for the school, but for the life we learn!” - probably everyone had to hear this saying once. And so surely, how the children are that their parents want to only propel them thereby, are so safe them also that after the Mathearbeit or the Abi examination everything disappeared the brain. In the attempt now the opposite was proven

London - forgotten experiences and experiences are lost, but remain stored in the brain. With learning the brain manufactures new nerve connections, these when forgetting is however not reduced, but only, to have researcher deactivates around Sonja Hofer found out by the Max Planck Institute for neuro biology in Martinsried. They report on their experiments with mice in the technical periodical “Nature”.

In its experiments the researchers of the question followed, why once forgetting can be refurbished clearly better again than new to learn. In addition they closed occasionally an eye of
adult mice, in order to examine the effects for the nerve connections in the brain of the rodent. Already after short time new nerve connections formed in for seeing
responsible brain area: The neurons changed themselves over to the processing of the signals of the remaining eye. The mouse had learned to see only with this eye.

Synapses must be only re-activated

If the researchers let the mouse see again with both eyes, the neurons structured themselves again and adapted again to zweiäugiges seeing. The adjustment of the neurons on seeing with only one eye let itself turn around completely. The neuro biologists around Sonja Hofer repeated the attempt and locked the eye of the mouse again. The adjustment to einäugiges seeing, following on it, through
the neurons took place in the second run substantially faster. The scientists the changes of the nerve connections observed assistance of a picture-giving procedure. With the fact they stated that the connections put on did not disappear, after the mouse again with both eyes the world
to notice could. Only the contact points between the nerve cells were predominantly deactivated.

Neurons can restructure themselves according to the investigations flexibly and activate or deactivate certain contact points if necessary. Therefore it is easy itself humans, acquired in former times to acquire but into oblivion guessed knowledge or trained abilities again. Since the nerve connections already exist, only the synapses involved must be re-activated, explain the researchers.

Mouth solutions harm the stomach

Mouth solutions harm the stomach

Bacteria in the saliva are necessary for the blood circulation in the gastric mucosa. Also these “good” bacteria are killed by mouth water. Particularly in combination with medicines it can come to complications. Experts guess/advise to the caution.

Munich - disinfecting Wässerchen for mouth and throat area provides for a fresh breath. Such gargling solutions could harm the stomach however, say Martin bush, specialist for internal medicine in Munich. Because the bacteria in the saliva, which are killed by the means, play an important role for the blood circulation of the gastric mucosa.

Nitrates are converted into nitrides

Scientific investigations showed according to bush recently that the bacteria convert nitrates in the mouth into nitrides. From these nitrides in the stomach nitrogen oxide is formed. This chemical messenger adjusts the flow of blood, which promotes the renewal of the gastric mucosa and which gastric wall protects against the aggressive gastric acid.

If the mouth bacteria are killed by the disinfecting solutions, the nitride formation becomes and the regeneration of the gastric mucosa obviously impairs. That could become according to data of bush in particular with such patients a problem, with whom the gastric mucosa is frequently already attacked: Humans with heart cycle problems about, those regularly medicines also
Acetylsalicylic acid (ASS) take. ASS increases the risk of bleedings in the gastric wall. (strip packing)

Dismantling of nerve coverings makes slower at the age

Dismantling of nerve coverings makes slower at the age

Older humans move more slowly than younger. Many have pain due to wear. In addition, humans without recognizable age illnesses move more slowly. American researchers found the true reason out for it.

Smelling ester - the isolation of the nerves in the brain decreases, slows down also the movement in the course of the old becoming. This dismantling of the nerve coverings cannot be stopped at the middle age by the body no more and leads to losses in the reaction rate, usually before Arthritis contributes its part to as George Bartzokis reports of the university of California in Los Angeles. It and its colleagues present their results in the specialist journal “Neurobiology OF Aging”.

Nerves in the brain are surrounded by a so-called myelin sheath, which makes a fast attraction forwarding possible. To approximately to 40. Year of life creates it the body to repair damages of this greasy substance. With increasing age however the regeneration ability diminishes, so that the myelin sheath becomes ever thinner. Accordingly are reduced also the achievements, which depend on the nerves concerned. This dismantling impairs a thinking, the perception and the movement, assumes the researchers.

The key is the slower attraction forwarding

In order to test this connection between the speed of operation of the nervous system and the condition of the nerve coverings, the scientists examined 72 healthy men between 23 and 80 years. They seized the speed, with the one test person with the index finger to tap can and compared the result with photographs of the myelin sheaths in the brain. It was shown that the myelin sheath became thinner with most test subjects starting from an age of 39 years. Starting from this age also the reaction rate of the test persons diminished.

That is the reason, why older humans more slowly Bartzokis says itself moved, even if they have still no hurting joints or Arthritis. Even if in this study only those
Rate of motion examined is, could the results also to other brain functions be transferred, with which fast attraction forwarding is necessary, like for example the memory. (strip packing)

Alaaf and Helau: Healthy by the fifth season

Alaaf and Helau: Healthy by the fifth season

Today is it again so far: The fifth season begins at 11.11 o'clock. And with it, easily dressed the time of the Faschingsparties Funkenmariechen, high-per cent Parties and Karnevalsumzüge. imedo a Jecken asked, as one moves in this time healthiest

Cologne/Berlin - around point 11,11 o'clock goes it today again loosely: the fifth season, also admits as carnival or carnival, depending on, where one lives, begins. Ulrich Männig comes from the proximity of Cologne, is health expert and even more passionate “Jeck”. He betrays imedo, on which it arrives.

Also, if many hold it in such a way: “The fifth season is not a charter for unrestrained () drinking”, says Männig. This is valid in particular for young people. If it should become then more nevertheless, as planned, it depends on the basis. Who knows the fact that it becomes high per cent should seize (exceptionally) to fat and protein-yielding food. Pizza, noodles in cream sauce, noodle salads, Thunfisch or egg courts lie longer in the stomach and retard the admission of the alcohol in the blood. Also vitamin or base preparations, two to three hours before beginning of party taken, can be helpful.

Drink with Köpfchen

If the basis is put, it depends to drink with Köpfchen. Not to recommend is a wild disorder. “Kölsch and grain (called in Cologne Schabau) are good for the tendency, but together with the present weather badly for the voice”, the Jeck Männig says. In principle should not be drunk wildly in disorder.

Between the beverages also always times Snack should be taken. In Cologne the Karnevalist Bloodwoorscht or Flönz, thus blood sausage, eats or also Rievkooche (potato pancake). Favorable is however everything that greasily, salty and unhealthy is and for which one should make otherwise a sheet. Since alcohol drains the body and from it electrolytes withdraws, it is recommendable to take occasionally mineral waters or isotonische beverages to itself.

Tighten warmly

Considering the fact that the fifth season is at the same time the cold, it guesses Ulrich Männig to warm clothes. In addition one, even if it belongs to it, should distribute not too generously “Bützche”, thus Küs. Because viruses and bacteria spread in such a way fastest. The men empfiehl the Jeck locking to omit “bad and/or importunate behaviour opposite women”. Many would be inclined in the carnival to regard these as free game. In the interest of the good tendency however this is not attached.

Production of Dopamine diminishes at the age

Production of Dopamine diminishes at the age

With the age humans become obviously not only more forgetful, but also more indifferently. American researchers found out that the reward center in the brain fewer Dopamine pays, the becomes older one.

Washington - the reward system in the brain reacts with younger people more strongly to reward attractions than with older. This is connected with the fact that the chemical messenger Dopamine with increasing age in smaller quantities is manufactured, as a researcher team found institutes out around Karen Berman of national the OF mentally Health (NIMH) in Bethesda (the USA). On the results of their investigation report the neuro scientists in the technical periodical “PNAS”.

Gambling for the research

The researchers examined 20 young participants in the average age of 25 years and 13 older participants, who were on the average 66 years old. These participated in a kind gambling, with which they saw a play automat on a screen. First the test persons one indicated, they could win which amount in the following passage, the won amount became following faded in. At the same time the scientists with a magnet resonance Tomographen (MRT) took up pictures of the brain.

Both if the test persons expected a profit, and if they had received a profit, certain regions of the brain reacted with the younger ones clearly more strongly as in the group of the older ones. It concerned thereby areas in the middle and front part of the brain, which are counted to the reward system.

The older, the more strongly the attraction must be

Additionally Dopamine existed in the central brain a direct connection, determined the team around Faith Berman between the reaction of the reward centers and the chemical messenger. Dopamine is a substance, which plays an important role with positive feelings. Like that a stronger dopamine production was connected with an intensified activity in the front brain with the younger ones. With the older ones against it the activation was stronger in the front brain with a smaller dopamine level. The explanation for the fact could be that this brain region must react with increasing age less to Dopamine and be more strongly activated to reconciliation for it.

This shows that the brain processes reward attractions with increasing age differently and that this is connected with changes in the dopamine system, writes the researchers. The results could be important for the development of new medicines, which exert influence on disturbances of the dopamine system in the age. (strip packing)

Meningokokken: Inoculation protects against brain skin inflammation

Meningokokken: Inoculation protects against brain skin inflammation

A 18-jährige pupil died few days ago in Berlin at the consequences of a brain skin inflammation. This was caused by Meningokokken. imedo with Johannes Elias of Institut for hygiene and microbiology in Wuerzburg inquired, why Meningokokken are as dangerous and as one protecting itself can.

imedo: What are Meningokokken?

Johannes Elias: Meningokokken are bacteria, which are in most cases harmless and are carried by about ten per cent of the population in the nasopharyngeal cavity. In rare cases they remain however not there but cause for unsettled reasons of illnesses such as brain skin inflammation or blood poisoning.

imedo: How are many cases that annually and how many end mortally?

Johannes Elias: In Germany 400 to 800 cases is announced annually. The number of deaths lies despite treatment between eight and ten per cent.

imedo: How can one protect oneself?

Johannes Elias: Since 2006 exist an inoculation recommendation against Meningokokken of the Serogruppe C. unfortunately can with present vaccines only one third of all cases are prevented, since there is no licenced universal Meningokokken inoculation. Two thirds of all cases are unfortunately not preventable by an inoculation at present.

imedo: Why predominantly are children and young people affected by Meningokokken diseases?

Johannes Elias: Infants are protected after the quiet time due to the shorter argument with the bacterial environment and smaller maturing of the immune system less from Meningokokken. Their illness risk is therefore high compared with other age groups. With young people the explanation is not so clear. One assumes that behavior-dependent factors of risk are added, like for example a kissing. In the course of the life unnoticed Trägertums the acquired protection against Meningokokken increases by repetitive episodes. Illnesses after that 30. Year of life are relatively rare.

imedo: How is the Meningokokken spread?

Johannes Elias: The germ needs to be transferred a large proximity over between humans. It flies not kilometres away by air and survives in the dead environment only for short time. There is also no animal reservoir. A close interhuman contact is thus necessary for the transmission.

imedo: Why are Meningokokken illnesses heavily recognized?

Johannes Elias: The Anfangssysmptome of an Meningokokken illness is nonspecific. If the physician has experience with the illness or not on it counts, it can come relatively fast to mistakes. The problem is however that it is heavy to collect on this field experience. The illness is rare and many physicians sees Meningokokken illnesses twice in its career, if they are not specialized in this area. It is for example well-known that with subsequent cases the chance of survival is higher than with the Erstfall, since physicians are already sensitized with instances of repetition. Altogether is it however nevertheless like that with in time introductory therapy about survive 90 per cent of the gotten sick ones.

Natalie Cole fights against its hepatitis C

Natalie Cole fights against its hepatitis C

The American singer Natalie Cole has Hepatits C. that already became known in July. Besides it developed depressions, so that their physicians were temporarily afraid for its life. On 9 September she presented her new album and showed to the world that she still fights.

Los Angeles /USA - Natalie Cole is not only the daughter of Nat King Cole, her has also even numerous successes to show. She is a singer and Songwriterin, in her 58 years of life nearly 30 albums out brought, eight Grammies and three American Music Award won. In the year 2000 it published its autobiography, in which it reported also openly on its drug past with heroin, LSD and Crack. In this time it was probably infected with hepatitis the C-virus.

Good therapy results

In spring this yearly was diagnosed the outbreak of the illness with it and begun immediately with the therapy. The artist reported to the “People” magazine that she could not rise three weeks long and weight had lost 7.5 kilograms. It would have its life actually by-pulls to see, said the 58-jährige. The director/conductor of the hospital, in which Cole was treated, indicated at that time in a statement that it responds “unusually well” to the medicines and was already virus negative. “I had to learn a quantity of lessons”, said Cole to the “People” magazine, “, some things I have made better could, but they made me also, what I am.”

Natalie Cole is not alone with their diagnosis, also Pamela Anderson one and Naomi Judd on hepatitis C was positively tested.

Hepatitis C - the virale time bomb

This very day, approximately 20 years after its discovery, is the virus, hepatitis C releases, HCV, to a large extent unexplored and from there unknown. Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver. The pathogen is transferred mainly over the blood. Most infections came off due to a blood transfusion. The HCV virus is provable also in other body fluids such as sperm or mother's milk, a transmission by these is however extremely rare.

The illness can run both acutely and chronically. Since symptoms show up rarely, them are recognized often too late usually only by accident and. Classical symptoms are reducingness, pains of the joints, daily tiredness, concentration disturbances, as well as in most cases increased liver enzyme values. If the infection is not in time recognized, the virus provides for the damage of the liver. The viruses settle in liver cells and these become from the “body police”, which destroys white blood corpuscles. If the renewal of the liver cells runs more slowly than the destruction, it can come to Vernarbungen at the liver. That means that in the damaged places new liver cells, but connective tissue is not stored. Because this is however not as flexible as liver fabrics, it comes to ever more injuries. The consequence of it can be a Leberfibrose or life ore erring trousers. The organ cannot follow then its detoxicating activity any longer, the body poisons itself quasi.

If the treatment is in time arranged and accomplished by the patient consistently, the healing chances are today with 50 to 90 per cent. Still in the 90's they lay with only 25 to 40 per cent.

Free medical profession demonstrates against public health policy

Free medical profession demonstrates against public health policy

Before the red city hall in Berlin demonstrated today the free medical profession (FÄ) and the German society for insured one and patient (DGVP) against the public health policy of the Federal Government. Wieland Dietrich of the FÄ explained imedo the most important demands

Berlin - on Friday the free medical profession and the German society for insured one and patient demonstrated against a public health policy in Berlin, which becomes not only clearly more expensive, than one communicate to the citizen. Here also clearly worse achievements would expect it, than them could offer the current health system to it. The health reform decided by the Federal Government works according to Wieland Dietrich, the secretary of the FÄ, whereupon, the health care in health centers, so-called medical supply centers (MVZ), to offer clenched. First that sounds only once good, the idea is to be able to offer “everything at a place”: Both the general medical profession and specialists and the possibility of the stationary support. These health centers are not only by far able to cover the existing need in opinion of Dietrich.

Profit instead of health

Even after the decided fee rises for the physicians good and motivated physicians are not to be held in the long term into the MVZ. Therefore a cost-hitting a corner financing can be achieved only by means of one, how Dietrich calls it, “transverse subsidization” by stationary support. This practice is today already handled in some hospitals and university hospitals. The patient is stationarily accepted thereby a few days, because the health insurance companies per day pay determined sentences to the hospitals. Thus develop a “unfair competition”, say Dietrich. The physicians into the MVZ were stopped inevitably rather profit-oriented on therapies to decide as in the sense of the best treatment for the patient.

In addition the insured ones would have to count on substantial difficulties with the date assignment. The waiting periods will in any case extend according to Dietrich's opinion. “In the cities the supply may be attainable by MVZ”, means however particularly chronic the expert, “patient and pensioner on the country has often no possibility of departing far from at home to.”

Does the economy control the policy?

Dietrich says that planning is already and partially also the building of such MVZ by profit-oriented finance companies under way. The FÄ sees thereby above all “residence near house and specializedmedical supply” in danger. Further it expresses against the electronic health card and wishes themselves “more funds for the supply of the patients” instead of for a “anonymous, industrialized health economy”.

Wieland Dietrich particularly refers to the connections between politics and economics. The chief of the Bertelsmann company, Liz poppy, is a good acquaintance of health minister Ulla Schmidt (SPD). The Bertelsmann subsidiary “Arvato” is to take over the biometric pictures for the electronic health card. Karl Lauterbach, Member of the Bundestag and health expert of the SPD, sits together with Liz poppy in the executive committee the “Rhön clinical centers AG”, one of the companies, which plans and accomplishes the building of the MVZ. A Schelm, who thinks bad thereby.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Extortion: Former physician must answer for himself before court

Extortion: Former physician must answer for himself before court

A former neurosurgeon and its administrative boss were accused of joint extortion. Between 2004 and 2005 are the two additional costs of some patients of the district hospital Bühl demanded habten, in order to accomplish operations. Both deny the act. The judgement is to fall in the middle of Decembers.

Baden-Baden - a former physician of the district hospital Bühl and the ex administrative boss of the hospital must answer for themselves for Monday because of joint extortion before the regional court Baden-Baden. The 68-jährige neurosurgeon is to have required 2004 and 2005 under reference to allegedly particularly expensive implants donations at a value of 3000 to 5000 euros of patients with painful spinal column illnesses. Other case one is to have placed than Konsiliararzt the active medical profession later operation dates in prospect or the patients to other hospitals have referred. The demanded donations were paid in at least eight cases to the district hospital.

The neurosurgeon denied the reproach of the extortion. Its procedure was “completely normally”, said the German Iranian. Such donations to a hospital with particularly expensive operations are “common” in the USA, where it worked a time long. It wanted to help the hospital financially which is at pressure in this way in Bühl.

Administrative chief is to have known everything

“It did not have, said moral pangs of conscience” the physician, who implemented about 350 operations according to own data for the 70's in the year. The judge asked it whether a compulsion did not lie in it that he is to have said patients, her could only in three years is operated, if they did not pay the donation. Whereupon the accused said: “That was not a compulsion. All 20 kilometers there are someone, similar operations makes nevertheless.” The patients could have gone also into another hospital. The accused - a formerly appreciative specialist for spinal column illnesses - is today no more than physician actively.

From view of the public prosecutor's office extortion is present, because the costs of the necessary implants would have been taken off by the drop lump sums of the legal and private health insurances in each case. The prosecutors assume the 39-jährige former administrative chief, which had signed the appropriate donation receipts, into which punishable practice was inaugurated.

Account fraud in nine cases accused

The accused physician said, it had made the proposal require such donations. The ex administrative boss contradicted that vehemently: It gave, stressed “no request meinerseits to a advertisement of the donations” it. It gave “no arrangements and no act plan”. When it experienced from complaints of patients because of the donations, it forbade to the physician to call further donations in because this no good light throws on the hospital.

It is correct that it signed the donation receipts. “I however always proceeded from content and rich patients, who wanted to do”, said the 39-Jährige to the hospital of something property.

The public prosecutor's office accuses to that neurosurgeons besides in nine cases account fraud and - in connection with three alleged treatment errors - negligent bodily injury. For the process six days of the hearing are set. 21 witnesses and two experts are to be heard. The judgement is expected on 9 December. With extortion threaten up to five year detention

Life with multiple sclerosis

Life with multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronically inflammatory Entmarkungserkrankung of the central nervous system. The causes of the incurable illness are not clarified until today. The process can be affected however. Groups of self-helps can help affected to lead a to a large extent normal life.

Duesseldorf - sometimes it is a strange feeling in the legs, extreme tiredness or a visual disturbance. In addition, problems during the emptying of intestine or uncertainties can be when going and standing. Apparently little things - nevertheless it can be meaningful to visit a neurologist: All these symptoms can be first signs for a multiple sclerosis, ms abbreviated. With this chronic inflammation the own immune system attacks the isolating coverings of the nerve cells and their cables in the brain and back Mark and damages it.

A clear diagnosis is however not completely simple, because most symptoms can occur also with other diseases. After a detailed discussion of disease history will the physician from there a neurological investigation would drive through, in order to test, how strongly which nerve function is impaired. In addition also attention and memory tests belong. “Here falls some patients
up that already early signs for the illness give it have. They were taken however frequently not seriously”, explain Hans Peter Hartung, director of the neurological hospital at the University of Duesseldorf and deputy chairmen of the medical adviser of the German multiple Sklerose-company.

Mostly women are concerned

To be supplemented these tests can approximately by an investigation of the back Mark liquid - on the one hand, in order to look for inflammation markers, and on the other hand, in order to exclude other illnesses than a cause of the disturbances. Also a magnetresonanztomographische admission considers Hartung necessary: “Here both current herd of inflammation and vernarbte places of faded away inflammations in the brain can be recognized, even if no disease symptoms are”.

Despite the always far improved methods, then in the year 2001 the ms register introduced to Germany shows, lasts it on the average three and a half years, until a clear diagnosis is placed. Most concerning are then between 20 and 40 years old. Why it meets straight it and why more than twice as frequently gets sick to women like men, is so far still unclear. A genetic assessment seems partial to play a role. Also environmental factors such as viruses are discussed as causers.

Multiple sclerosis arises schubweise

If the suspicion on ms was once confirmed, equal most concerning accept the worst. “Many patients see themselves sitting in the wheelchair, if they hear their diagnosis - the probability for a good process is with appropriate treatment very highly”, calms down Hartung. The ms progresses not necessarily inexorably and continuously, but in most cases arises in thrusts, between which breaks for many years and frequently also a recovery of the symptoms can lie.

The most typical and most well-known complaints are movement disturbances, Spastik and powerlessness in the legs, which limit the mobility of the concerning ever more. Which therapy is used, depends thereby particularly on the development of the illness. Here a process documentation helps.

Since ms is so far not more curable, a therapy is to affect above all the disease process favorably. During an acute thrust in addition usually highly proportioned cortisone is given. Its entzündungshemmende effect is to introduce and accelerate the recovery of the symptoms. With a heavy thrust a blood laundry can be effective.

Inflammations must be contained

On a long-term basis is besides a basis therapy the inflammations to contain and new thrusts prevent or it at least moderate. Usually thereby active substances are used such as beta interferon, which modify the reactions of the immune system in such a way that the attack on the body-own fabric is absorbed. If they do not fasten, a Immunsuppressivum can be used, that the immune system altogether suppressed. Meanwhile also a so-called monoklonarer antibody is available, which can be used after risk use consideration.

For the receipt of the quality of life of the concerning the treatment of the individual symptoms is particularly important beside the basis and to the thrust therapy - finally they are it, which determine the everyday life. With the decision, which therapy is applicable, also the contact can help to a group of self-helps.

Groups of self-helps help

However many, in order to accept their diagnosis and this step go, white Christa Andretta, spokeswoman of a group of self-helps need time concerned for ms-concerned in Aachen, from own experience. “Younger concerning are interested above all in it, how it continues with occupation, training and family, during itself older rather over medicines and therapies exchange”, explain them. Occasionally also lectures are offered, which are to inform new group members.

Otherwise one meets once in the month for playing, meal or simply for talking. “With the time one speaks however more rarely about the illness, but enjoys rather the society”, says Andretta. Because the illness has also a social component: Ms patients live frequently very in an isolated manner and have sometimes also no more possibility of attaching contacts. Andretta stresses: “A group of self-helps can offer at least a small alternation.” (strip packing)

Trade paper loads for conference with health experts

Trade paper loads for conference with health experts

The health funds is decided thing, but satisfaction does not prevail. Above all fear the hospitals that finances for a sufficient supply will not be sufficient. Experts from the health service meet to 24. and 25 November in Berlin, in order to discuss the prospects of the health fund and the future of the health service.

Frankfurt/Berlin - also after the decided standard rate of the health insurance fees further planning uncertainty exists for the health insurance companies. “The speculative household list is to be answered for from the policy to and can as respectable be designated”, does not say the chairman of the board of the German employee health insurance scheme (DAK) Herbert Reb. “The government makes the health insurance company executive committees in times, in which everything of the bank and financial crisis speaks, speculators.”

Experts meet in Berlin

Also Rolf Hober, chairman of the general local health insurance company (compulsory health insurance scheme) Baden-Wuerttemberg pflichtet it. “Federal health minister Ulla Schmidt explained to determine the rate of contribution in such a way 2009 that the expenditures of the cashes are covered to 100 per cent. With a rate of contribution from 15,5 per cent would mean that, which go back, explain intended additional costs of the health insurance companies for the hospital sector clearly” Hober.

Whether the prospects are actually so dark and the uniform rate of contribution on health insurance companies and Leistungserbringer will have which effects, discusses experts on the trade paper conference of this year of 24. until 25 November in Berlin. Beside the Secretary of State of the Federal Ministry for health, Klaus Theo Schröder, among other things Norbert Klusen, chairman of the board of the technicians health insurance company, which chairmen of the board of the under health insurance Federal union, Andreas's Köhler, Rolf Hober and Herbert of Reb lectures to hold, become.

Excursion in the deep sleep: Sleep-change with children

Excursion in the deep sleep
Excursion in the deep sleep: Sleep-change with children

At least each tenth child under 15 years sleep-changes. That is the result of a study of the technicians health insurance company. imedo explains, how small sleep transducers come reliably by the night.

Patients are right to participation with choice of the Reha hospital

Patients are right to participation with choice of the Reha hospital

The problem is well-known: who requests a cure with a legal health insurance company, this gets often only once rejected. The reasons for the refusal are however simply too expensive variously, in most cases a cure the cashes. In a court decision it was now decided that the patient has quite a say with the selection of his Reha hospital

Darmstadt - legally has requirement on a clinical rehablitation patient-insured, if their state of health requires this. With the selection of the hospital the cash must consider the special needs and desires of the insured one, how the Hessian national social court decided in Darmstadt.

The plaintiff obstructed to 80 per cent had requested a cure in a specialized clinic for naturopathy and holistic medicine in the year 2000. The cash rejected the request, although the insured one had been already treated some years before in the same hospital with good success. Thereupon the insured one decided to a Reha treatment at the own expense and complained at the same time against the negative reply.

Cash must pay cure also retroactively

While the social court rejected the complaint, the national social court gave right to the plaintiff. Like that the stationary treatment was also promising in the case of the insured one necessarily and after statement of the treating physicians. The cash must the cure in addition also retroactively pay, since the plaintiff waited for first the decision of the insurance and only afterwards for treatment at the own expense decided. Up to a final judicial decision the insured one did not have to postpone the cure treatment, how the national social court judged.

Child protection by “culture of the Miteinanders”

Child protection by “culture of the Miteinanders”

Lea Sophie, Kevin, Dennis, Michelle - one connects these names with child abusing, abuse and neglects. Much was demanded after these cases. Some was already reached. With the symposium “the threatened child” in Coburg became clear: a co-operation of all is important to the protection of children.

Coburg - family Secretary of State Melanie Huml (CSU) demanded a “culture of the Miteinanders” to the protection of children from abusing and neglect. “Parents must be supported with signs by excessive demand in time”, said Huml on Saturday with the symposium “the threatened child” of the clinical center in Coburg.

Common acting of all participants is locally necessary. Child and juvenile welfare service, health range, school, police and law would have to pull together on a strand. The establishment of social early warning systems is of central importance in this connection.

Measures to the protection

The municipalities were supported starting from 2009 during the mechanism by so-called coordinating child protection places financially by the Free State. They are to bundle concerned occupational groups and institutions according to Huml the authority of all with children and guarantee an intensified exchange.

Further improvements were reached after the words of the Secretary of State by legal initiatives. So early recognition investigations are obligating for May. Besides the report obligation was legally embodied by physicians and midwives to youth welfare offices, if they determine clear reference points for an endangerment of the child well-being. (strip packing)

Fever with the child: Antibiotics not always necessarily

Fever with the child: Antibiotics not always necessarily

If the child is ill and even fever has, many parents are in concern and seize often too fast to antibiotics. This is not attached however always

Weimar - antibiotics are valid in many families as a kind general-purpose weapon against illnesses. Frequently a therapy with these medicines is however not at all necessary. “Fever alone is still no cause for a treatment with antibiotics”, says Monika Niehaus, child and youth lady doctor in Weimar. It guesses/advises to be waiting with unclear symptoms only once before one gives antibiotics to the child. Possibly the complaints of alone again fade away. However this step should be co-ordinated in principle with the family doctor.

With bacterial infections antibiotic employment is indicated

Not to hesitate one should according to Niehaus with clearly bacterial infection, for example with an Streptokokken angina. “With such Infekten children react usually very well to antibiotics”, say the Medizinerin. Parents, which partout here an antibiotic employment rejects, die the risk that their child suffers heavy kidney or heart illnesses as consequence of the infection

Laser attack on goal keeper Vander could have gone into the eye

Laser attack on goal keeper Vander could have gone into the eye

With the League play Panathinaikos Athens against Werder Bremen threatened champions on Wednesday of the arbitrators with an abort, because that had been dazzled of Bremen goal keeper Christian Vander repetitive with a laser pointer. This action was not only high-grade unsportlich, but for Vander also serious health consequences could.

Duesseldorf - laser gains straight in the eye medicine ever more significance. With laser beams opticians Netzhautkrankheiten can heal or treat defective visions. And one continues to work ever on new applications.

But laser has also its negative sides. With him one cannot only heal but also injure eyes with difficulty. Straight ones in the past months accumulate themselves the messages over purposeful attacks with laser pointers bespielsweise on pilots or completely up-to-date on the Keeper of Werder Bremen, Christian Vander. Peter Hering, director of the institute for laser medicine at the University of Duesseldorf, explained on-line” opposite “world: “The green laser pointers are ten times stronger than red and have a stronger glare than the sun.” With a Techno party in Russia several visitors suffered heavy eye injuries with a Lasershow. At the latest since then it might be certain that laser pointers are not toys. “Everyone, which deals with such an equipment, should be conscious the Gefahrenpotenzials, which assumes that, warns” stronghold Helbig, director of the university University of Regensburg. Therefore the professional association of the opticians guesses/advises to careful and responsible handling lasers.

Irreversible damage possible

“Laser light meets it the retina, can in simple cases to a glare of the sensory cells without structural damage come, which after minutes again “Helbig the first symptoms improves, explains. „Most humans know this phenomenon also from other bright sources of light.” In addition, during stronger or longer effect of the laser light on the retina an irreversible fabric damage could arise. “The described loss of seeing, how we know it after glare, does not regress again completely. This can lead to the lasting loss of central seeing and the read ability “, makes clear the expert. Laser beams proceed almost parallel from the source of light. Strong bundling makes high irradiancy possible, which can damage above all the retina of the eye.

Also light emitting diodes (LED), which ever more frequently for flashlights or than Fahrrad-Beleuchtung are used, can be perhaps just as dangerous for the eyes as laser beams. Also with them from there careful handling should be maintained. Both, LED and lasers, should be never directed toward the eyes. If a laser beam should meet nevertheless once in the eye, the eyes should be closed and the head from the jet be turned. Lasers and LED should be never regarded at the radiation source with magnifying glasses or other optical instruments.

Above all be valid it to avoid laser damage to the eye says refuge Helbig. „Visual disturbances after exposure of the eye with a laser arise if nevertheless, should visit one immediately an optician. He can try a treatment also highly proportioned Cortison, in order to keep the permanent damage as small as possible. “

Amy Winehouse obviously suicide-endangers

Amy Winehouse obviously suicide-endangers

It would be beautifully, if one could say, in the life of the Amy Winehouse goes off it on and, but it unfortunately goes obviously only downward. World-wide bets run around its death date, it excited further attention with crashes and catastrophic appearances. Friends of the singer let announce now that Amy carries with serious suicide thoughts.

London - Amy Winehouse threatened allegedly to take itself with a measurer the life. She sees no more sense to live further. According to reports sit down it a measurer to the chest. It should be possessed by the idea of early death. When you rejected an early dismissal momentarily for 27 months arrested husband Blake falling the civil, the condition of the singer was to have still further worsened. Already in the last weeks there were again and again statements of friends, after whom their circle of friends in a kind guard becomes detached, so that Amy Winehouse alone at home is not. The 25-year old feels imprisoned for own data “in a nightmare”.

Live nearly, Love hard, the Young

“A friend of the singer told DAILY star” to the English newspaper that she wishes herself death. “Your feelings rev up. It is either the whole time on drugs or suicide-endangered, as soon as it hears somewhat, it does not please.” It has the wrong friends and is absolutely fascinated by the former singer of the “Sex Pistols”, Sid Vicious, that the slogan “Live nearly, Love hard, which had preached Young”. “No fear of death has you and believes, that is their regulation”, describes the friend.

Scientology offers custom-made withdrawal program

As if this all enough would not be bad, betrayed an acquaintance of Amy Winehouse the English sheet “Sunday Mirror” that the Scientology sect had obviously taken up contact to it. Their a “custom-made withdrawal program” would have been offered, for which Amy would not have to go into a hospital. According to data of the “Sunday Mirror” think it “seriously concerning” accepting the offer. The dislike of the singer in relation to Entzugseinrichtungen is at the latest since its hit “Rehab” no more secret.

Wrong diagnoses with food allergies

Wrong diagnoses with food allergies

Unreasonable test procedures, did not specialize physicians: Allergies are not recognized at all often wrongly or. Many humans falsely proceed from a food incompatibility, however actually suffer from other things. Each third adult suffers according to estimate of experts at a Allgerie, only each tenth is however correctly recognized.

Erfurt - food allergies are very frequently wrongly diagnosed according to estimate by experts. “There is a number of unreasonable test procedures through not specialized physicians, who cost, criticized patients much suffering and money” the president for Wednesday of the German congress of allergy meeting in Erfurt, Thomas's fox. Many humans believed to react allergisch to certain food or additives. However only about two to three per cent of the adults and four per cent of the children at a genuine food incompatibility would actually suffer.

Peanut allergy particularly dangerously

The search for the causes is difficult and requires often correct detective work. Bio resonance tests or magnetism are however unsuitable for it, said fox. It warned of one-sided diets due to procedures, which were unsuitable for the diagnosis of food allergies. At the same time the danger of these allergies may not be underestimated. If the concerning would not avoid the allergy causes, this could end mortally, warned fox.

The peanut allergy is most dangerous, said the first chairman of the society for Pädiatri Allergologie and environmental medicine, Albrecht Bufe. “Peanut all genes are very aggressive and can lead fast to a life-threatening anaphylaktischen shock.” They are taken up according to Bufe both over the mouth mucous membranes and over the respiratory system. Particularly with children are peanut allergies on the advance. Allergies would generally begin mostly at the childhood age.

Asthma and hay cold far spread

According to Bufe suffer up to seven per cent of the 5 - to 15-Jährigen in Germany at Neurodermitis, up to twelve per cent at asthma and up to 15 per cent would have hay cold. For their specializedmedical supply however straight once 460 Kinder-und of youth physicians with allergologischer further training would be available.

With allergies the immune system arranges itself inadvertently against harmless substances such as Pollen or dust, which estimates it as dangerous. In the opinion of experts each third adult at an allergy in the meantime already suffers. Thereby the breath way allergies are most frequent. According to estimations of the specialists only about each tenth Allergiker is correctly therapiert. In Erfurt those still exchange approximately 1000 participants of the congress up to Saturday new scientific realizations. The conference is organized together for the third time by the three allergologischen specialized companies. (DPA)

Organ donation becomes the state affair

Organ donation becomes the state affair

Last year the number of the organ donors lay in Germany on the highest conditions since beginning of the organ donation. The numbers for this year are less pleasing. 12,000 humans wait in Germany for a donor organ. Many humans die, because no organ can be arranged for them. The Federal Government wants to create remedy with a large action.

Berlin - “morning knew I not, comes the liver or comes death”, tells Peter Hellriegel. It is 44 years old, father of three children and it got before two years a donor organ. 12,000 humans are similarly as it before two years, it live with the uncertainty and wait for donor organs. Many of them will die. Either because they are taken aufrung their bad general state promptly by the waiting list or because it to for a long time for a donor organ to wait to have. In the Federal Republic only about 4000 donor organs are available.

Only each sixth has a donor document of identification

According to a current IPSOS inquiry two thirds of the Germans would be ready to donate after their dying organs but only each sixth actually possesses a donor document of identification. That is to now change. In October ten million donor documents of identification as supplement in the magazines “pharmacies Umschau” and “baby and family to be found will have”.

“That is one of the largest actions for the increase of the organ PEND readiness, which gave, says it in Germany so far” to federal health minister Ulla Schmidt. “More than four million humans visit daily one of the 21,500 pharmacies, which are with their niedrigschwelligem health offer an ideal place for prevention and health clearing-up”, add the president of the federal pharmacy chamber, Magdalene Linz.

Reasons for restraint are different

The reasons for the low donor numbers are different. On the one hand many potential donors felt not sufficiently enlightened, and on the other hand the readiness is too small on the part of the hospitals with the foundation to co-operate, says the executive committee of the foundation Organtransplantation (DSO), Thomas Beck. According to its data daily three humans die, because they waited in vain for donor organ.

New medicine Inhalator: more cheaply and more efficiently

New medicine Inhalator: more cheaply and more efficiently

Who is dependent on a regular medicine income and must these possibly even squirt itself, in more near future will be able to draw a deep breath. In an exemplary, specializedspreading co-operation scientists in Israel invented a Medikamenteninhalator, which is based on the turbine technology of airplanes.

Tel Aviv - straight line in the medicine becomes the co-operation of the most diverse fields of activity ever more importantly. But that once specialists for jets would make an invention gemeisam with the medical profession it would so probably have expected, nobody. Thus happen in Israel. There a Medikamenteninhalator was invented, which is substantially more favorably in the production and more efficient in the active substance delivery than past products on the market, for example asthma sprays. Ian Solomon, managing director of the company Aespironics, explained for this that Inhalatoren can do many more, than working only against asthma, one can fill as well as each medicine into a Inhalator. “Even if pills are very common, are not them not really the most effective Medikantenform”, say Solomon. “You must go through the digestive tract and through the entire body to arrive usually over at completely different place.” If the medicine would come however from a Inhalator, it would go to the place, at which it was used.

Inhalator instead of syringe or pill

In order to deliver the filled in medicine from the Inhalator again, the company avails itself of the turbine technology from aviation. A tiny, turbine activated by the inhalation digs the active substance particles off inside the Inhalators and blows it into a breathing air. The dose depends thus on the respiratory volume. The particles will with air directly into the lung brought, of where out they are directly into the bloodstream advisablely and very fast at the place, at which they are needed. Since that can be filled the Inhalator with almost any medicine, in the future protective inoculations or diabetes injections could be inhaled. Vaccination campaigns could be substantially more largely put on due to the favorable manufacturing costs, also the fear of syringes would be past.

After the first test phases are final now and are announced in the effect way a patent, resuming tests are to be started for the end of this yearly. In approximately three years Aespironics counts on the introduction on the market.

European Union study: German seniors have early age complaints

European Union study: German seniors have early age complaints

The German seniors cut European Union widths off in the health comparison badly. Older humans in this country have the few free and years beyond the 50. The Danes live on average eleven years healthier and more freely and than the Germans. The study also pointed out, which factors are responsible for it.

London - in European Union widths the comparison to the health of humans at the age lie German men and women in the rear centre zone. Thus itself German 50-jährige men and women on average can on further in each case 13.5 recovers and free and years to make happy, while there is with the front runner Denmark approximately 24 years, as a European researcher team found out around Carol Jagger of the university in Leicester. In the direct comparison with the large and densely populated European Union member states France, Great Britain, Italy and Spain cut off Germany at the so-called “healthy years of life over 50 ″ even most badly. Their results present the researchers in the specialist journal “The Lancet”.

All 25 European Union countries evaluated

The scientists gathered population and health statistics as well as economic characteristic data in their work such as gross domestic product, expenditures for health, unemployment and education conditions from the 25 European Union member states from the year 2005. From this no trend can be read off over the years, but found the researchers unexpected differences between the individual countries as well as the group of the 15 old European Union countries (under it Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark) and the ten in the year 2004 joined predominantly eastern countries (under it Poland, the three Baltic States of, Hungary, Czech Republic).

On the average the 25 European Union countries could 50-jährige European men and women expect to live up to an age of 67,6 and/or 69.1 years without physical restriction healthy. The healthy years of life over 50 varied however clearly from approximately nine years with Estonians to scarcely 24 years with Danes. The Germans lay with healthy 63.5 years in the rear centre zone. Czechs, Greeks and Poland remain longer healthy and fit on average. As expected humans in the 15 old European Union countries on average cut off better than inhabitants of the entry countries. However the results overlapped themselves: Polish men and women have a smaller life expectancy over 50 as the Germans, them can however over more healthy years about 50 be pleased than their western neighbours.

Gross domestic product as substantial factor

As substantial measured variables on the healthy years over 50 the researchers constituted the gross domestic product per head and proportionately to it the expenditures for health and care at the age. So the span of the happy years can be increased around one year, if the portion of the health and expenditures for care for older ones of the gross domestic product rises around a per cent.

With men longer unemployment reduced the health conditions. Altogether a higher education affected itself positively, as the researchers report. According to the so-called Lisbon strategy of the European commission are up to the year 2010 approximately 50 per cent of the 55 - until 64-Jährigen conditions of employment find. Based on the health status of humans in some European Union countries this goal seems at present not attainable, determines the researchers.

Education delays outbreak of Alzheimer's

Education delays outbreak of Alzheimer's

Is Alzheimer's an illness of the education-far layers? , Who works more with its hands than with its head, rather is a risk candidate for dementia in the age? Italian scientists investigated exactly this question.

Milan - humans with more education and mentally fastidious activities could be better from the memory loss, which precedes the Alzheimerkrankheit, protected. This states a study, which was published now in the magazine “Neurology”.

The researchers examined 242 patients with assumed Alzheimer's as well as 144 recover and 72 patients with memory disturbances, who go beyond the forgetfulness usual for the age and are called amnestische MCI (mildly cognitive impairment). 21 of these aMCI persons developed late Alzheimer's. The memory and the cognitive abilities of the test persons were tested. In addition they determined by means of Gehirnscans, into as far the brain by the Alzheimerkrankheit were damaged already.

Buffer by education

Result of the study was that with test persons with the same memory status those, which were formed or implemented a fastidious job exhibited damaged brain structures less in Alzheimer's. “Our theory is that education and mentally fastidious jobs bring, say a buffer or a cognitive reserve out against the effects of dementia” study authoress Valentina Garibotto. “Your brains are able to compensate damage and continue to work.” But give it to two possible explanations: “The brain could become stronger by education and fastidious occupation.” It would quite be in addition, conceivable that genetic advantages make higher training and the later activity in mentally responding occupations for some humans possible and cause a higher functional reserve at the same time.

With simple Gehirnjogging one will thus not be able to stop Alzheimer's. Training could delay the outbreak of the illness at best.

Rotato Express, an automated vegetable peeler

Rotato Express, an automated vegetable peeler

Potato Express is a delicate-looking kitchen apparatus that, accustomed a vegetable to embrace, strips it of its skin.

Rotato Express automatically peels potatoes, fruits and added vegetables in seconds. Puts an end to blubbery peels and waste. Simply skewer potato on basal fasten and lower the top spike. Then, advance the button to alpha case - automatically stops if complete. Derma peels off in one connected piece. Ultra safe architecture with no charge to authority or blow while peeling

It's cheap, too, at $30. But it's aswell awash out. Boing Boing Gadgets is solicitiing suggestions for abnormal things to attack to bark with it

If baby teethes: no panic

If baby teethes: no panic

For many young parents teething the small ones is the worst time. The children cry and cry, some get excursions or even fever. Reason for uneasiness does not exist generally however. Also, if straight around this phase many legends climb

Hamburg - adults cannot imagine a life without teeth no more. But for small children, who came so far toothless completely marvelously by the life, the bulky Beißer is only once annoying. Violent teething problems, as they are afraid by many parents, are nevertheless a rare exception. “Teething is a completely natural physiological procedure, which only sometimes accompanies with easy Befindlichkeitsstörungen. Otherwise the process is completely normal and no reason for excitement”, says Hans Ulrich Neumann, Kinder- and Jugendarzt from Hamburg.

The teething problem one high-swing often unnecessarily. As soon as an infant without obvious reason is jerky or fever has, parents attributed to the increasing teeth and strove to fight the evil. “Generally the light complaints pass when teething however from alone and the child need only little more attention and welfare service”, say Neumann.

Only fever is really suspicious

When teething grow out of the tooth slowly from the jaw, whereby the above gums stretch themselves and tear. “In this phase the children are often jerky and feel in the place, in which the tooth breaks through, a printing pain”, say Neumann. Against these problems a Betäubungssalbe can help, with which one rubs the gums in careful. Also the well-known biting rings would feel many children in this time as relief. “By the counter-pressure on the gums the foreign body feeling is a little reduced, which results to Neumann from the increasing tooth”, explains. Also wood or a hard crust could serve as biting object.

Sometimes milk tooth growth is accompanied also by Wundsein. “It is because of the fact that provoking from the mouth range further-carries by the digesting system, so that also the skin at the Po explains attractive reacted”, Neumann. Normal Wundsalben can alleviate these symptoms. “A child in the teething phase gets however suddenly high fever, is not that certainly because of the fact that it gets, says straight its first teeth” Neumann. Perhaps one should let the true cause for the increased temperature clarify from there from a physician. (strip packing)

After Armtransplantation: Healing runs “amazingly well”

After Armtransplantation: Healing runs “amazingly well”

With a tragic industrial accident farmer lost Karl notices from the Allgäu both arms. In the July of this yearly it the arms of an organ donor were transplanted. Now it stepped for the first time before the press, in order to present its new arms: “I do not give it.”

Munich - with a transplant of two complete arms the clinical center has on the right of the Isar DOES Munich on 26 July new ground entered: Karl notice, a 54-jährigen farmer, who had lost both arms on height of the upper arms with an industrial accident before six years, in a 15-stündigen operation of two complete arms were transplanted. The hospital line communicated that was never before humans a so large quantity of strange fabric one would have transplanted. At the operation approximately a 40-köpfiges team was involved.

A special clinical challenge was that it concerns with the transplants fabric, which consists of different components such as skin and marrow. Therefore was and is particularly large the danger of a repulsion. With a therapy, which combines the standards of the medicamentous treatment after an organ as well as after a Knochenmarkstransplantation, the medical profession try now to work against. After so far however no defence reactions were proven, the dosage of the immunsuppressiven therapy could be already gradually reduced.

Eight hours of training daily

A further goal of the treatment is it to promote the structure of the nerves and to prevent a dismantling of the musculature. But the patient must complete daily an eight-hour program with patient gymnastic and electrical stimulation of the musculature. He is assistance of a special therapy “to learn” that he has again arms. Whether the regeneration of the nerves has success, can be said at the earliest in one and a half to two years, since nerves only about a millimeter grow on the day into the transplant. In addition, the physicians are optimistic here: The patient reports already of a first „Kribbeln “in the upper arm underneath the scars. The healing runs “amazingly well”, reported on Wednesday the treating physicians as well as notices before the press. If it runs further so well, it can in four to six weeks will home dismiss.

“I give it no longer ago”

There do not notice its both arms yet alone to carry can, is dependent it on a particularly designed stretcher rack. Thus it can move however already relatively freely, reported themselves the 54jährige. It can open doors already independently and serve also the light switch or a remote maintenance for the television set. With Umblättern of the newspaper and when eating he is however still dependent on assistance. He cannot introduce himself any longer, without being its new arms, said the man: “I give it no longer ago”. Karl notice after a television broadcast with the desire for a transplant to the clinical center had come closer, after it had not gotten along in the years after its accident with different artificial prostheses.

Shop window illness: hurting legs as the first symptom

Shop window illness: hurting legs as the first symptom

Many humans know the problem: after longer distances the feet and they hurt must set itself. Ber of the so-called shop window illness is that different. Here pain in the calves and legs from Arterienverengungen, which are bearable by frequent stopping only, results. Therefore pain in the legs should not be ignored, them is considered as the first symptom

Berlin - who must continue in the pedestrian precinct before each business, did not succumb inevitably to the purchase craze. A fifth over 65-Jährigen in Germany suffers approximately from the so-called
Shop window illness: The containers in the legs are narrowed that it comes to blood circulation disturbances and by the oxygen deficiency to pain, like professor Karl-Ludwig trained, the container medical profession in such a manner
and president of the German society for Angiologie (DGA), describes.

Smokes is main factor of risk

Affected are usually calves, Gesäß or thighs, depending on where the containers are narrowed. Frequently the pain diminishes, if the concerning remain standing, from there the name shop window illness.
Main factor of risk is trained according to smoking for many years. Untreatedly serious container catches threaten. Also Plaques in the Gefäßwänden can break, direction heart and lung walk and one
lethal Embolie release.

Therapieren leaves itself the shop window illness according to data of trained among other things with going training and blood circulation-promoting medicines. Beyond that container narrowings can by ultrasonic
to be uncovered and operationally with a balloon be extended. (strip packing)

More illnesses under work

More illnesses under work

The illnesses under the work increase in opinions of the Medizinerin Monika Rieger ever more. But will become treated not for occupational diseases also as these. Employers and employees can proceed preventively against it.

T5ubingen - ways of the increase of workconditioned illnesses the industrial union metal in Baden-Wuerttemberg demanded better conditions of work for persons employed. “Work does not have to make ill, but we find frequently unfavorable conditions of work those make ill”, said the IG-Metall district leader Jörg Hofmann at a trade conference of the trade union in flax field EN genuine things. Hofmann criticized that many employers too little health promotion and - prevention operate.

In opinion of the of Tübingen Medizinerin Monika Rieger in the past years workcaused illnesses in Germany increased clearly. With questionings it has the impression gotten that increases humans psychological or physical disturbances by certain stress factors on the job have, said the kommissarische chief of the institute for work and social medicine at the university University of T5ubingen.

Back pain and mouse arms are not everything

“Many psychological illnesses have their origin in the work”, said Rieger. These causes let themselves however only very heavy proofs. Besides muskulös skeletttale illnesses would arise such as back pain or mouse arms. Not all of these diseases are taken up also into the list of the occupational illnesses. Because the accident insurances are responsible for occupational illnesses, must be proven this perfectly as diseases caused by the work.

The Romans would have already recognized already connections between illnesses and certain work, explained Rieger. Nowadays the field of the work illnesses became many more complex however, since also the working sphere became more varied. Often employer would prevent in the meantime preventively illnesses. “Those have also no desire that their employees are ill. Finally they are the economic goods of the enterprise”, said the Medizinerin.

Employers and employees can prevent

Hofmann criticized that only 29 per cent of the enterprises in Baden-Wuerttemberg convert since 1996 the legally prescribed endangerment evaluation. With this “helpful instrument” operational measures let themselves derive. “In the consequence can be arranged efficient health promotion, further training, work organization and personnel employment”, said Hofmann.

In the core go it around it, how work must be changed, in order to be able to exercise it over years to become permanently ill without wearing and. In this connection give it above all to needs for action by the increase of stress-conditioned illnesses. “Hecticness, operating pressure, achievement compression and Mobbing make and many high-level personnel ill see idle too”, criticized Hofmann.

In addition, according to Rieger employees themselves can prevent preventively an illness, in which they optimize for instance the ergonomics on the job. “Desk, mouse and light should be ideally adjusted”, say those to expert. In the long run work could have also positive effects: “Also stop gives you. It is not thus always valid the principle: Work makes ill”, said Rieger. (strip packing)

Wieczorek Zeul: Mother number of deaths is too high

Wieczorek Zeul: Mother number of deaths is too high

In a Milleniumserklärung the governments of the United Nations had set themselves it in the year 2000 to the goal of reducing the mother number of deaths in relation to the conditions of 1990 world-wide by two thirds. By the fulfillment of this goal one is however still far, as the current report of population of world reveals

Berlin - Minister of Development Heidemarie Wieczorek Zeul (SPD) deplores those continuously high number of deaths of becoming mothers in many parts of the world. That more than one half million women at complications die annually with pregnancy or birth, a “scandal” is, said the minister on Wednesday with the conception of the UNFPA Weltbevölkerungsberichts of the United Nations in Berlin. Were allotted to 99 per cent of these deaths to the developing countries. The risk of a woman not to survive the birth is higher regardless of international agreements like the Millenniumsziele also today still in Africa 300 times than in Europe.

Mother number of deaths sank around less than a per cent

According to the report the mother number of deaths in the period of 1990 to 2005 sank around less than a per cent annually. However 5.5 per cent per year would be necessary, in order to reach the Millenniumsziel to lower this number until 2015 around 75 per cent.

The representative of the UN-Bevölkerungsfonds UNFPA, Bettina Maas, said, the number of the women, who annually carried injuries or other damages off” with the birth “, lies with 10 to 15 million even still more highly. The lowering of the mother number of deaths and the avoidance of injuries depended crucially on a better health supply. In addition counted an emergency birth assistance just like the entrance to family planning services. The presence of a trained birth aide reduces the risk of complications clearly, said Maas.

200 million women would prevent, if they could

The manager of the German foundation world population, Renate Bähr, referred besides to collections, according to which with appropriate offers world-wide 200 million women would prevent. She criticized that family planning and sexual clearing-up would not find in many places yet the necessary attention.

The UNPFA co-operates according to own data with government and non-governmental organizations in 154 countries and made last means available at a value of more than 245 million US Dollar in the year.

More illnesses under work

More illnesses under work

The illnesses under the work increase in opinions of the Medizinerin Monika Rieger ever more. But will become treated not for occupational diseases also as these. Employers and employees can proceed preventively against it.

T5ubingen - ways of the increase of workconditioned illnesses the industrial union metal in Baden-Wuerttemberg demanded better conditions of work for persons employed. “Work does not have to make ill, but we find frequently unfavorable conditions of work those make ill”, said the IG-Metall district leader Jörg Hofmann at a trade conference of the trade union in flax field EN genuine things. Hofmann criticized that many employers too little health promotion and - prevention operate.

In opinion of the of Tübingen Medizinerin Monika Rieger in the past years workcaused illnesses in Germany increased clearly. With questionings it has the impression gotten that increases humans psychological or physical disturbances by certain stress factors on the job have, said the kommissarische chief of the institute for work and social medicine at the university University of T5ubingen.

Back pain and mouse arms are not everything

“Many psychological illnesses have their origin in the work”, said Rieger. These causes let themselves however only very heavy proofs. Besides muskulös skeletttale illnesses would arise such as back pain or mouse arms. Not all of these diseases are taken up also into the list of the occupational illnesses. Because the accident insurances are responsible for occupational illnesses, must be proven this perfectly as diseases caused by the work.

The Romans would have already recognized already connections between illnesses and certain work, explained Rieger. Nowadays the field of the work illnesses became many more complex however, since also the working sphere became more varied. Often employer would prevent in the meantime preventively illnesses. “Those have also no desire that their employees are ill. Finally they are the economic goods of the enterprise”, said the Medizinerin.

Employers and employees can prevent

Hofmann criticized that only 29 per cent of the enterprises in Baden-Wuerttemberg convert since 1996 the legally prescribed endangerment evaluation. With this “helpful instrument” operational measures let themselves derive. “In the consequence can be arranged efficient health promotion, further training, work organization and personnel employment”, said Hofmann.

In the core go it around it, how work must be changed, in order to be able to exercise it over years to become permanently ill without wearing and. In this connection give it above all to needs for action by the increase of stress-conditioned illnesses. “Hecticness, operating pressure, achievement compression and Mobbing make and many high-level personnel ill see idle too”, criticized Hofmann.

In addition, according to Rieger employees themselves can prevent preventively an illness, in which they optimize for instance the ergonomics on the job. “Desk, mouse and light should be ideally adjusted”, say those to expert. In the long run work could have also positive effects: “Also stop gives you. It is not thus always valid the principle: Work makes ill”, said Rieger. (strip packing)

Lack of sleep by Internet and television

Lack of sleep by Internet and television

About lack of sleep primarily young people complain. To this result an inquiry comes on behalf the technicians health insurance company. The younger the asked persons were, the more tiredly were them, because they rather drove themselves out the time with other things. In the coming days further results of the study are presented with imedo

Hamburg - lack of sleep is a problem of young people. That resulted in the Forsa inquiry on behalf the technicians health insurance company (TK). More than half under 35-Jährigen does not get according to own estimates enough sleep, between 36 and 55 years suffers each third under lack of sleep. Schlaffresser are televisions, Internet and books. Nearly two thirds indicated that they would do without the television, in order to win more time for sleeping, four of ten asked on the Internet and computer games. The resolutions are however not converted.

In the week each fifth goes under 35 years only to midnight to bed, between 36 and 55 is it each seventh, with which is over 55-Jährigen it only each respected asked one.

More is less

While the one become early awake and are fast fit, the night owls come only heavily from the feathers/springs. “In which rhythm the internal clock ticks, is in our genes”, says psychologist Inga Margraf. Chronobiologen assume night owls and early larks are represented often directly in the population. Only few can align their routine of the day after the internal clock. Each second under 35 years and more than each third between 36 and 55 years indicated to suffer from lack of sleep.

This internal clock is an answer of the evolution to the change of day and night. It is pre-programmed genetic and steers, when we are awake and when we sleep. Many bodily functions depend on it: Blood pressure, intestine movement and Körpertemperatur. The usual routines of the day come to meet the early risers, night owls suffer under it and torment themselves often laboriously from the bed.

“The internal clock can not be adjusted”, says Inga Margraf, but one can do it also few cheats outwits. In the morning should be taken into account with more time, in order to become correctly awake. A short walk makes and the daylight awake restrains the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Additionally cold showers and morning gymnastic help.

Night people should get accustomed also to go not too late to bed. Who gets along under the week with little sleep, early in the morning torments themselves from the bed and but on weekend always long out-slept, provides for one minijet-lay in the body. In addition they should get accustomed to a firm rhythm and these also on weekend and in the vacation maintained.

Much sleep is not inevitably better. Only one third of humans, who sleep less than six hours, indicated, to have sleep problems. From the persons, who sleep longer than eight hours, each second complained about sleep problems.

Chronic headache changes the brain

Chronic headache changes the brain

The early treatment of regular headache is important. Not only that they release concerning of their suffering, they lead during a long period to changes in the brain. Eight million humans are in this country concerned.

Hamburg - chronic headache, which persists over years, usually leads to provable changes in the brain. Contrary to the migraine, which diminishes at the age, from there many patients chronic headache become never more loose, said medicine professor Hans-Christoph servant of the University of Duisburg-Essen. In order to avoid the emergence of chronic headache, humans, who suffer occasionally from headache, must be treated promptly.

Health insurance companies recognize risk patients

Servant is also speaker of the German headache consortium - a project to the investigation of chronic headache, in which eight university hospitals are involved in Germany. Approximately eight million humans suffer servants according to from chronic headache and migraine.

The health insurance companies can recognize promptly so-called risk patients on the basis of false days by the job and prescriptions for medicines, said servants. Who takes for example many pain killers, is rather endangered to get chronic headache. Also a centrifuge trauma after an accident can lead to it. This showed a study at 18.000 humans. An integrated supply - for instance physicians and psychologists work more closely together - can the number of the false days on the job halve, reported servants. (DPA)

Meningokokken: Pupil dies at brain skin inflammation

Meningokokken: Pupil dies at brain skin inflammation

Yesterday afternoon died in Berlin a 18-jährige pupil at a brain skin inflammation. It was in the context of an education journey with its class in Berlin and few days ago the first disease symptoms had only exhibited.

Berlin - the pupil from Switzerland had be with her class because of an education journey in Berlin. When the girl exhibited the first disease symptoms, the teacher with it furht into the hospital. There the female patient was immediately intensive-medically treated, yet the life of the young woman could not be saved.

Above all children and young people affected

Brain skin inflammations can be caused by viruses and bacteria. A rare, but particularly heavy form is the Meningokokken Meningitis transferred by droplets. By this above all children concerned under five years, in addition, young people are. The number of deaths rate with an Meningokokken illness amounts to five to ten per cent.

Germany far last year 439 cases of an Meningokokken infection were announced. In this year there was according to data of the Robert Koch Institute so far 381 cases. Most cases are announced from South Germany. The death of Swiss pupil is the first Meningokokken death in Berlin in this year.

Pregnancy: Meal for two can harm the baby

Pregnancy: Meal for two can harm the baby

“You are more pregnant, you must for two eat now! ”: Surely each pregnant woman hears this well meant advice once. But this advice is not wrong only, it can for the unborn be even dangerous.

Frankfurt/Main - against the wide-spread opinion pregnant women are not to eat by any means for two. A constant food abundance can even harm the baby, because thus its hormone sensors in the brain are wrongly calibrated. The director/conductor of the department explains metabolic disturbances at the Dr. of Hauner child hospital Munich, Berthold Koletzko, in the pharmacy magazine “baby and family”: The unborn ones paid then high quantities of insulin and would accept the abundance as normal.

Diet before the pregnancy, meanwhile normally nourish

“This small Nimmersatts develops with high probability later predominance”, makes Koletzko clear. Thus the children would already carry the risk for subsequent illnesses such as hypertension, increase of the blood fats, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in itself. Women, who anyway already fought with predominance, should decrease if possible before a planned pregnancy. While the baby grows up, diets are taboo.

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