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Saturday, December 27, 2008

If baby teethes: no panic

If baby teethes: no panic

For many young parents teething the small ones is the worst time. The children cry and cry, some get excursions or even fever. Reason for uneasiness does not exist generally however. Also, if straight around this phase many legends climb

Hamburg - adults cannot imagine a life without teeth no more. But for small children, who came so far toothless completely marvelously by the life, the bulky Beißer is only once annoying. Violent teething problems, as they are afraid by many parents, are nevertheless a rare exception. “Teething is a completely natural physiological procedure, which only sometimes accompanies with easy Befindlichkeitsstörungen. Otherwise the process is completely normal and no reason for excitement”, says Hans Ulrich Neumann, Kinder- and Jugendarzt from Hamburg.

The teething problem one high-swing often unnecessarily. As soon as an infant without obvious reason is jerky or fever has, parents attributed to the increasing teeth and strove to fight the evil. “Generally the light complaints pass when teething however from alone and the child need only little more attention and welfare service”, say Neumann.

Only fever is really suspicious

When teething grow out of the tooth slowly from the jaw, whereby the above gums stretch themselves and tear. “In this phase the children are often jerky and feel in the place, in which the tooth breaks through, a printing pain”, say Neumann. Against these problems a Betäubungssalbe can help, with which one rubs the gums in careful. Also the well-known biting rings would feel many children in this time as relief. “By the counter-pressure on the gums the foreign body feeling is a little reduced, which results to Neumann from the increasing tooth”, explains. Also wood or a hard crust could serve as biting object.

Sometimes milk tooth growth is accompanied also by Wundsein. “It is because of the fact that provoking from the mouth range further-carries by the digesting system, so that also the skin at the Po explains attractive reacted”, Neumann. Normal Wundsalben can alleviate these symptoms. “A child in the teething phase gets however suddenly high fever, is not that certainly because of the fact that it gets, says straight its first teeth” Neumann. Perhaps one should let the true cause for the increased temperature clarify from there from a physician. (strip packing)

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