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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Herztransplantation: Baby Angelina can soon home

Angelina is the youngest female patient, who was submitted so far at the university University of Freiburg of a Herztransplantation. Without the important operation the baby would have probably only had to live few weeks. The interference ran well, Angelina can soon home.

FreelyMother Irina holds its daughter Angelina in the arms in the paediatric clinic of the university clinic Freiburg.

Freiburg - successful was made at the university clinic Freiburg a Herztransplantation at a five months old baby. The small Angelina is probably four weeks after the operation, drinks its Fläschchen, eats again completely normally mash and can in three weeks will dismiss, said the treating physicians on Wednesday in Freiburg. The girl is according to hospital data the so far youngest child in Baden-Wuerttemberg, to which a new heart was implanted. Without the operation it would in all probability soon have died.

Operation was necessary, because with the girl, after whom it had been before already operated at the heart wall, additionally still another life-threatening heart myasthenia one determined. Already in the sixth pregnancy month the heart error had been discovered and operated then three weeks after the birth. “That is actually today no more large interference”, said the treating child heart surgeon Christian Schlensak. But when still the myasthenia was then added, a Herztransplantation was the only possibility for the child to survive.

Medicines up to the end of life

The donation readiness of parents of a deceased of child saved the life to Angelina. The girl is appropriate for four weeks after the operation now relaxed in the arms of the obviously facilitated mother. Diverted the small one moves its little hands and looks with large blue eyes curiously around itself, when photographers approach it. Still it must carry a mouth protection, there with it - caused by an artificially lowered immune defense - which is increased infection danger, stresses the specialized lady doctor for innate
Heart error, Brigitte quiet. That is completely normal, in order to prevent a repulsion of the donor organ. Angelina will have to take time life medicines against it.

When in the fourth life month the certainty it became that Angelina would survive donor heart only with, began a “very heavy” waiting period for parents from a small municipality in the Ortenaukreis,
as the mother remembers. “It is the life for the child or nevertheless death” - this their constant thoughts were, report them under tears. After the operation she had herself to accustom to the conception that in her daughter “a strange organ strikes”. But meanwhile do not remember it any longer.

Without organ Angelina would have died

About two to three cases of this kind there is to be according to estimations of the physicians of the Freiburger child surgery Germany far in the year. Whether can be helped to the babies, depends on a suitable donor organ, which is obtained by Eurotransplant in the Netherlands. In Baden-Wuerttemberg the child heart surgery at the Freiburger university clinical center is valid as only mechanism, which can master such operations. So far the medical profession dared themselves there however only to adults or young people near.

With the five-month baby in-hour operation is because of the tiny dimensions “hühnereigroßen organ” a special challenge been, reports the medical profession. But “without this organ Angelina would have died in the next weeks”, describes to quiet the situation. Now it looks for the girl everything else as hopeless. According to estimate of its physicians Angelina will be able to lead a normal life. (strip packing)

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