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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Depressions increase the risk for Frühgeburten

Depressions increase the risk for Frühgeburten

Pregnant ones, which suffer from depression, are exposed to a higher risk of Frühgeburten. A study with scarcely 800 women pointed the danger out of easy and heavy depressions during the pregnancy.

Oakland - depressions during the pregnancy increase a study in the magazine “humanly Reproduction” according to the risk of Frühgeburten. The authors assume a neuroendocrine damage of the Plazenta as causes. The study decreases/goes back to an inquiry among 791 members of the health insurance company emperor permanent one. The women had been interviewt during the tenth pregnancy week. Director of studies De-Kun left of the research department of emperor permanent one with the exit of the pregnancy set their answers in relationship.

Heavy depressions double the risk

Result: Pregnant ones with an easy depression were more frequent to 60 per cent before the 37. Week relieved. With women with heavier depressions the risk was even more than doubled. Furthermore the researcher found out that a low level of education, an earlier Fertilitätsprobleme as well as adiposity and stress events on the early birth risk strengthen the negative effects of the depression.

Stress could be in opinion of left the common denominator of these factors. For the epidemiologist it is quite conceivable that the neuroendocrine consequences of stress events damage the Plazenta.

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