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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Danger by medicines run off

Danger by medicines run off

Hausapotheken are often wild Sammelsurien. A remainder cough mixture from the last winter, a few pain tablets of the blind intestinal operation and each quantity unopened vitamin preparations drängeln itself there closely to close - and all are according to packing print for months no longer durable. But that can become very dangerous.

Berlin - “one may take medicines, whose expiration date was already exceeded, in no more case”, warns Ursula Sellerberg of the Federal union of German pharmacist federations (ABDA). Only within the durability phase guarantee the manufacturer for the effectiveness and compatibility of the drugs. “After it dismantling materials can form in the medicines. These lead to the fact that the medicine works, does not explain no longer correctly or no more” the Pharmazeutin. Sometimes the changed ingredients are even injurious to health.

One should destroy medicines run off immediately from there. “Most pharmacies take old drugs back behaviourless and dispose of them appropiately.” Alternatively one can do it also into that
Domestic refuse give. “One should make certain however that the medicines are well hidden, so that other adult and also children do not come on the idea her from the garbage pail to fish and take”, say Sellerberg. Best one knocks the packings separately into something newsprint. Into the discharge or into the toilet one may however never tilt medicines. “The ingredients can arrive over drains into the groundwater and pollute it”, say Sellerberg.

Storage in the bedroom ideally

If one did not need still unopened medicines at home to lie, those one, one must dispose of also these. Pharmacists may not take it back or conversions. “Pharmacists must guarantee
_ can, that the medicine, which they sell, perfect store. If the means had left the pharmacy, they cannot give this warranty any longer”, explain Sellerberg.

So that drugs spoil not prematurely, one should keep them in principle for drying, protected from light and at a constant temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. “The bathroom or the kitchen own itself not as stores for medicines, there it there often very warmly and also damp will can”, says Sellerberg. Ideal storage areas are however the bedroom or the corridor. (strip packing)

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