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Saturday, December 27, 2008

European Union study: German seniors have early age complaints

European Union study: German seniors have early age complaints

The German seniors cut European Union widths off in the health comparison badly. Older humans in this country have the few free and years beyond the 50. The Danes live on average eleven years healthier and more freely and than the Germans. The study also pointed out, which factors are responsible for it.

London - in European Union widths the comparison to the health of humans at the age lie German men and women in the rear centre zone. Thus itself German 50-jährige men and women on average can on further in each case 13.5 recovers and free and years to make happy, while there is with the front runner Denmark approximately 24 years, as a European researcher team found out around Carol Jagger of the university in Leicester. In the direct comparison with the large and densely populated European Union member states France, Great Britain, Italy and Spain cut off Germany at the so-called “healthy years of life over 50 ″ even most badly. Their results present the researchers in the specialist journal “The Lancet”.

All 25 European Union countries evaluated

The scientists gathered population and health statistics as well as economic characteristic data in their work such as gross domestic product, expenditures for health, unemployment and education conditions from the 25 European Union member states from the year 2005. From this no trend can be read off over the years, but found the researchers unexpected differences between the individual countries as well as the group of the 15 old European Union countries (under it Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark) and the ten in the year 2004 joined predominantly eastern countries (under it Poland, the three Baltic States of, Hungary, Czech Republic).

On the average the 25 European Union countries could 50-jährige European men and women expect to live up to an age of 67,6 and/or 69.1 years without physical restriction healthy. The healthy years of life over 50 varied however clearly from approximately nine years with Estonians to scarcely 24 years with Danes. The Germans lay with healthy 63.5 years in the rear centre zone. Czechs, Greeks and Poland remain longer healthy and fit on average. As expected humans in the 15 old European Union countries on average cut off better than inhabitants of the entry countries. However the results overlapped themselves: Polish men and women have a smaller life expectancy over 50 as the Germans, them can however over more healthy years about 50 be pleased than their western neighbours.

Gross domestic product as substantial factor

As substantial measured variables on the healthy years over 50 the researchers constituted the gross domestic product per head and proportionately to it the expenditures for health and care at the age. So the span of the happy years can be increased around one year, if the portion of the health and expenditures for care for older ones of the gross domestic product rises around a per cent.

With men longer unemployment reduced the health conditions. Altogether a higher education affected itself positively, as the researchers report. According to the so-called Lisbon strategy of the European commission are up to the year 2010 approximately 50 per cent of the 55 - until 64-Jährigen conditions of employment find. Based on the health status of humans in some European Union countries this goal seems at present not attainable, determines the researchers.

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