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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pregnancy: Meal for two can harm the baby

Pregnancy: Meal for two can harm the baby

“You are more pregnant, you must for two eat now! ”: Surely each pregnant woman hears this well meant advice once. But this advice is not wrong only, it can for the unborn be even dangerous.

Frankfurt/Main - against the wide-spread opinion pregnant women are not to eat by any means for two. A constant food abundance can even harm the baby, because thus its hormone sensors in the brain are wrongly calibrated. The director/conductor of the department explains metabolic disturbances at the Dr. of Hauner child hospital Munich, Berthold Koletzko, in the pharmacy magazine “baby and family”: The unborn ones paid then high quantities of insulin and would accept the abundance as normal.

Diet before the pregnancy, meanwhile normally nourish

“This small Nimmersatts develops with high probability later predominance”, makes Koletzko clear. Thus the children would already carry the risk for subsequent illnesses such as hypertension, increase of the blood fats, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in itself. Women, who anyway already fought with predominance, should decrease if possible before a planned pregnancy. While the baby grows up, diets are taboo.

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