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Saturday, December 27, 2008

New medicine Inhalator: more cheaply and more efficiently

New medicine Inhalator: more cheaply and more efficiently

Who is dependent on a regular medicine income and must these possibly even squirt itself, in more near future will be able to draw a deep breath. In an exemplary, specializedspreading co-operation scientists in Israel invented a Medikamenteninhalator, which is based on the turbine technology of airplanes.

Tel Aviv - straight line in the medicine becomes the co-operation of the most diverse fields of activity ever more importantly. But that once specialists for jets would make an invention gemeisam with the medical profession it would so probably have expected, nobody. Thus happen in Israel. There a Medikamenteninhalator was invented, which is substantially more favorably in the production and more efficient in the active substance delivery than past products on the market, for example asthma sprays. Ian Solomon, managing director of the company Aespironics, explained for this that Inhalatoren can do many more, than working only against asthma, one can fill as well as each medicine into a Inhalator. “Even if pills are very common, are not them not really the most effective Medikantenform”, say Solomon. “You must go through the digestive tract and through the entire body to arrive usually over at completely different place.” If the medicine would come however from a Inhalator, it would go to the place, at which it was used.

Inhalator instead of syringe or pill

In order to deliver the filled in medicine from the Inhalator again, the company avails itself of the turbine technology from aviation. A tiny, turbine activated by the inhalation digs the active substance particles off inside the Inhalators and blows it into a breathing air. The dose depends thus on the respiratory volume. The particles will with air directly into the lung brought, of where out they are directly into the bloodstream advisablely and very fast at the place, at which they are needed. Since that can be filled the Inhalator with almost any medicine, in the future protective inoculations or diabetes injections could be inhaled. Vaccination campaigns could be substantially more largely put on due to the favorable manufacturing costs, also the fear of syringes would be past.

After the first test phases are final now and are announced in the effect way a patent, resuming tests are to be started for the end of this yearly. In approximately three years Aespironics counts on the introduction on the market.

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