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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Trade paper loads for conference with health experts

Trade paper loads for conference with health experts

The health funds is decided thing, but satisfaction does not prevail. Above all fear the hospitals that finances for a sufficient supply will not be sufficient. Experts from the health service meet to 24. and 25 November in Berlin, in order to discuss the prospects of the health fund and the future of the health service.

Frankfurt/Berlin - also after the decided standard rate of the health insurance fees further planning uncertainty exists for the health insurance companies. “The speculative household list is to be answered for from the policy to and can as respectable be designated”, does not say the chairman of the board of the German employee health insurance scheme (DAK) Herbert Reb. “The government makes the health insurance company executive committees in times, in which everything of the bank and financial crisis speaks, speculators.”

Experts meet in Berlin

Also Rolf Hober, chairman of the general local health insurance company (compulsory health insurance scheme) Baden-Wuerttemberg pflichtet it. “Federal health minister Ulla Schmidt explained to determine the rate of contribution in such a way 2009 that the expenditures of the cashes are covered to 100 per cent. With a rate of contribution from 15,5 per cent would mean that, which go back, explain intended additional costs of the health insurance companies for the hospital sector clearly” Hober.

Whether the prospects are actually so dark and the uniform rate of contribution on health insurance companies and Leistungserbringer will have which effects, discusses experts on the trade paper conference of this year of 24. until 25 November in Berlin. Beside the Secretary of State of the Federal Ministry for health, Klaus Theo Schröder, among other things Norbert Klusen, chairman of the board of the technicians health insurance company, which chairmen of the board of the under health insurance Federal union, Andreas's Köhler, Rolf Hober and Herbert of Reb lectures to hold, become.

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