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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lack of sleep by Internet and television

Lack of sleep by Internet and television

About lack of sleep primarily young people complain. To this result an inquiry comes on behalf the technicians health insurance company. The younger the asked persons were, the more tiredly were them, because they rather drove themselves out the time with other things. In the coming days further results of the study are presented with imedo

Hamburg - lack of sleep is a problem of young people. That resulted in the Forsa inquiry on behalf the technicians health insurance company (TK). More than half under 35-Jährigen does not get according to own estimates enough sleep, between 36 and 55 years suffers each third under lack of sleep. Schlaffresser are televisions, Internet and books. Nearly two thirds indicated that they would do without the television, in order to win more time for sleeping, four of ten asked on the Internet and computer games. The resolutions are however not converted.

In the week each fifth goes under 35 years only to midnight to bed, between 36 and 55 is it each seventh, with which is over 55-Jährigen it only each respected asked one.

More is less

While the one become early awake and are fast fit, the night owls come only heavily from the feathers/springs. “In which rhythm the internal clock ticks, is in our genes”, says psychologist Inga Margraf. Chronobiologen assume night owls and early larks are represented often directly in the population. Only few can align their routine of the day after the internal clock. Each second under 35 years and more than each third between 36 and 55 years indicated to suffer from lack of sleep.

This internal clock is an answer of the evolution to the change of day and night. It is pre-programmed genetic and steers, when we are awake and when we sleep. Many bodily functions depend on it: Blood pressure, intestine movement and Körpertemperatur. The usual routines of the day come to meet the early risers, night owls suffer under it and torment themselves often laboriously from the bed.

“The internal clock can not be adjusted”, says Inga Margraf, but one can do it also few cheats outwits. In the morning should be taken into account with more time, in order to become correctly awake. A short walk makes and the daylight awake restrains the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Additionally cold showers and morning gymnastic help.

Night people should get accustomed also to go not too late to bed. Who gets along under the week with little sleep, early in the morning torments themselves from the bed and but on weekend always long out-slept, provides for one minijet-lay in the body. In addition they should get accustomed to a firm rhythm and these also on weekend and in the vacation maintained.

Much sleep is not inevitably better. Only one third of humans, who sleep less than six hours, indicated, to have sleep problems. From the persons, who sleep longer than eight hours, each second complained about sleep problems.

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